OMG, finished episode 20, that's got to be the greatest one ever! :rofl:
I think they only episode I've not liked overmuch would be the one with the "cutie crusaders," especially the first one where the two young girls are making fun of Apple Bloom for being a "blank flank." Those three little teenie ponies really don't have the personalities that make the main characters' group dynamics hilarious.
Of course, I only think to expand the Youtube window by episode 17. :facepalm: Guess I'll just... have to watch them all over again!

EDIT: Okay, Rarity is... okay, I guess. She showed her mettle in the "dog and pony show" episode.
I have to watch a lot of them at once, at least that's what it feels like. Because I don't have a lot of time (summer course, volunteer work, generally being inefficient), or at least that's how I perceive it. Maybe 3 to 4 episodes at a time.
Also, I think my sister is giving me strange looks.