General information-
My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. It's not what you think. This amazing little cartoon has captured the hearts of thousands, if not millions of people who together have formed an amazing fandom. A lot of people don't understand how peope can find happiness from something originally made as a childrens show for little girls, but that right there is where they get it wrong. The show was made for children and their parents, so that anyone in any age group would be able to enjoy it. Of course there'll always be the haters, in which case bronies, use the report button. That was our mistake in the last few threads. Don't feed the trolls, flag em and move on.
To regular bronies: You know the drill, forgive and forget, love and tolerate.
To the new guys: if you are interested, heres the episodes (in glorious 1080p of course) *Looks at channel* well....most of them anyhow. Could'a swore they had em all... Anyhow, if your here for pony, stay a while, talk about ponies. If not, move along, we don't need people spamming.
*Steps to the side*
OK Guys and Gals. A last attempt at a MLP thread. Keep all the spam out please. This is for afficionados of the ponies to chat and have a bit of fun in so if you have nothing of value to add, want to cause problems or just generally be anti - this is not the topic for you. Please report any problems so the mods can sort it out before it gets out of hand. Thanks. Ro.