a little preview i found on facebook

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:31 pm

so not sure if any of this is new... or even classed as news... but it was an interesting read :)

New preview of Skyrim from the Swedish magazine Level and from Pete Hines, 1: With his sword drawn, the player approached a group of NPCs sitting around a campfire. Upon spotting him they all rose and drew their own weapons but they didn't attack. When the player backed away they sat down again. (So this time it seems NPCs will be more hostile towards you if you come at them armed...)

2: The blacksmith in Riverwood (Alvor) can show you how to preform smithing after you completed a small task for him. He will demonstrate how to use the forge and anvil to make a sword, and he also taught the player how to make a leather shirt out of the wolf pelt he had in his inventory.

3: Pete tells the reporter that apart from dragon armour you can also make weapons out of dragonbone.

4: About the landscape: the south of Skyrim has dense forests, while the center has open fields and hills, and the most nothern part is completely barren and filled with cliffs. The buildings here are sparse and the sky is almost always dark - the reporter says he could see the aurora against a pich black sky in the middle of the day. (He also found a mammoth skeleton buried in the snow next to a fort...)

5: Though we knew there would be 70+ voice actors in Skyrim, Pete confirmed that there are 'multiple' voice actors per race

6: You can disable quest markers without disabling the HUD

7: You can not change your characters facial features later in the game as you could in FO3

8: You can turn off your compass, cross-hair, or health, stamina, and magicka bars by adjusting the HUD opacity settings

9: After picking flowers, they are removed visually from the plant

10: No more speechcraft mini-game like OB. Speechcraft will now be more like Fallout 3

11: Alchemy must be done at an alchemy lab or 'station' and can no longer be done on the fly while out in the game world like in Oblivion (Much more realistic if you ask me.)

12: While playing, Pete's character was given a 'Choose Your Adventure' type book BY A CHILD in the game - so in addition to regular books, there are 'interactive' books in Skyrim

13: He was asked if the player actually goes out into the woods to cut down trees, which we don't. It will be a station we go to like in the demo where you see the man moving the large log onto the cutting area. It's a designated station we use to cut wood, just like the stations for alchemy and forging. His exact words: 'No, it's almost like a "station", like you have for alchemy or the forge. You go use a woodpile
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:34 pm

Cheers for the info - this game will be awesome !! :thumbsup:
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:11 pm

as awesome as your name!

all hail the dragonknight

the true line of kings! Targaryan for life <3
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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:42 pm

I am so pumped up for this... I can't imagine how painful it will be for me when Skyrim goes Gold and there's lots of new information and I must avoid that information so that I do not spoil the game. Life is hard, as if 49 days of hell ain't enough!
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Post » Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:04 am

I am so pumped up for this... I can't imagine how painful it will be for me when Skyrim goes Gold and there's lots of new information and I must avoid that information so that I do not spoil the game. Life is hard, as if 49 days of hell ain't enough!

i know thats why after this weekend im going to try and not get on the forums till like December.

Dragon Sword/Axe would be awesome
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:13 pm

its so close i can smell it!!! :D
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Marta Wolko
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