'Buy from merchants and traders who like you. You get better prices. Members of your own factions usually like you best.'
'If someone attacks you first, you have the right to defend yourself. If someone DOESN'T attack you first, you're going to break the law if you attack him.'
'Talk to everyone. Talk is cheap. Ask questions. You don't ask, you never learn.'
Enough already! I must have read those three pieces of advice over a hundred times. So I went and added lots more, filtered by faction, race and class. I'll probably keep adding more secrets, until one day it will be safe to click the little secret topic again.
Download http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=8897
A few examples, if you fancy a flavour of the mod;
'Dar' in a Khajiti name means 'thief,' but this should not alarm you. 'Dar' is like the Nordic 'Clever Hudvar' or the Breton 'Arnand the Fox.' A Khajiit with 'Dar' in his name is clever, and maybe clever with his hands, but not always a thief by odd Imperial property customs.
NPC Race = Dunmer
Red Mountain dominates the minds and spirits of Dunmer. It looms high above the horizon in all northern settlements. It is sacred, and a site of pilgrimages - that is, folk travel to shrines on its remote flanks, but the Ghostfence prevents any travel to the peak and crater themselves.
NPC Faction = Mages Guild
Before the Guild came here, magic was the preserve of the few. All the Houses had their mages, of course, and villages might have had a hedgewizard or two. But nothing respectable. Conjurers and warlocks were branded necromancers - hunted down and burnt at the stake by the Temple.
NPC Class = Archer
Darts and throwing knives don't pack much of a punch, but they're lightweight, easily concealed and leave you with a hand free to carry a shield or torch.