- I can make syringer ammo on day one out of the vault, although I've never even seen the weapon at that point.
- Once I make it, it isn't ammo, it's Aid.
- And then I can't use a syringe as a melee weapon, or coat a blade with what's in it.
Brahmin getting in the way and pushing both of you when you try to barter with Trashcan Carla. Bug off, Bethesda.
Waiting for NPC's to finish talking or finish their animation before being able to get a dialog. Bug off, Bethesda.
"I'd like to trade a few things". No, I'd like to talk to you and finish my damn quest. Bug off, Bethesda.
Cats getting lost half-way inside a work bench, then completely never to be seen again but only heard. Bug off, Bethesda.
I'm sure it's present here, too, but in Skyrim when an NPC would fall miles to their death, they should die on the first rock they hit, but it's only after they make the complete fall and slow down before they let out their death shout. Bug off, Bethesda.
Being able to make beds out of cigars, but not being able to make a smoking product to smoke.
Being able to kill crows, but not being able to loot them like you could with hawks in Skyrim.
Also seeing same crows paused in mid-air, but still flapping their wings. Bug off, Bethesda.
The list goes on.
How insecure and hesitant the female Sole Survivor sounds when initiating trade with Settlers. She nukes more Behemoths before breakfast than most people do all day, and charms the pants off everyone that survives meeting her, but once she starts giving orders to a hopeless yokel suddenly she's a stammering submissive?
Please. She's hard as nails or smooth as silk everywhere else. Makes no sense at all.
Needing to go through dialogue to enter a trade menu, especially when you've already made multiple visits to that trader. I'd prefer to just have a separate button for it to skip all the filler dialogue.
The way everyone talks to me when I'm just walking by them just ticks me off. Makes me want to shove a gun in their face and tell them if I wanted to hear their crap I'd click on them.
The longer I play the more I want to just pop a cap in all of them.
p.s. This is one of the most immersion breaking things in the game for me. Where ever I go in the real world 99% of the time people don't just start spouting off to me as a I walk by. Every time they do it in game it just feels wrong. The only people spouting off should be shop keepers and beagers and such. People who have a reason to be talking. Let other npcs talk to each with random conversations not to me unless Initiate it.
"I-I...I just wanted...to trade a few things..."
Seriously, Fem!Sole Survivor? You can face down mutated monstrosities ripped straight out of nightmares with ease, gun down a whole army of mooks single-handedly, but talking to a random settler makes you shake in your boots? What, you think the big bad settler is going to hurt you, Miss I'm-Armed-Enough-To-March-Through-Hell-Myself Sole Survivor?
On the voice thing its the unfortunate end result of using a voice actor for the main character. Voices carry so much emotional overtones that we previously we filled in ourselves. In previous games if the dialog didn't fit we'd could gloss over it in our heads, now that's no longer really possible.
I agree if you didn't take the path Bethseda determined was the right way to play, then some of the responses just stop making sense in regards to our characters skills and experience.. I'll be using a mute mod for sure once one is released.
When I'm here at the forum and it's telling me I haven't read my own last post, or it's lying about whether I have read other people's posts or not...
1) when I am in the lift , many a times only dogmeats half of the bidy is inside (glitched).happens with others too in the lift
2) at times I see enemies and companions floating (like 5 feet high above the ground)
3) killing enemies in vats, the camera action glitches, you see raw platforms, hollow backgrounds etc.
3) missing specific instructions to store- for example weapons I gave to Curie(for e.g) for storing ,(now I need to 1st take it all, wade through my list, and store it again)
- or stuff that I got from a 'particular 'place...everything comes up in your inventory , then one needs to wade through the big list and distill and filter .
basically we miss a filteration specific store and dump button ( barring the store-all-junk instruction )
to name a few
"Little things that annoy me?" this thread is top of my list at this point. Yeah, there are some annoying things in the game, but some of you guys are picking nits like a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr63q7Xwkrg
as far as I can tell all of you miss one important annoyance.
vertibird pilots and the crashes that almost kill you. had to run away from a few of these after they get shot down.
For real. They're falling out of the sky left and right in my game. I've *never* seen even one survive a fight it started with ground troops, even raiders. If Vertibirds are actually supposed to be this fragile, they wasted more on developing them than we have on the F35. The BoS must have badly trained pilots stacked like cordwood somewhere.
There is a mod for this over site --> http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2857/?%C2%A0
Mod makers to the rescue yet again.
They're not actually fragile - BOS are just terrible pilots.
I have seen a vertibird land perfectly with 100% health - of course the pilot was a Gunner.
That I can't have cats at my settlements.
3 little things. Dogmeat getting in the way, Corvega, Being over encumbered. Put them all together and new curse words start getting invented.
That I now permanently have three radio distress signals emanating from empty space in Sanctuary Hills because I dropped beacons and then scrapped them.
While I do agree with some of your suppositions, I can only say WOW! You're expectations are insurmountable. I can't believe that any developer could possibly live up to your lofty expectations.
Beth spent 7 (count 'em 7!) years developing this game. To implement all of what you would want, not only would the game be incredibly huge and unwieldy, but, honestly, can you imagine the bugs and glitches in that version!
Frankly, I'm not sure if there is either a PC rig or a console that could handle anything of that magnitude.
Maybe in the future though. Who knows.
Some thin railings have huge collision boxes as if they are concrete walls - I hate when I see the Raiders in full height but all my bullets ricochet.
Nobody gets everything they want.
To look at this another way, speaking only for myself: I like this game enough to come online and discuss it at a forum that offers me nothing in return. I wouldn't publicly criticize it if I didn't think it was worth criticizing. 99% of the games I play aren't worth the time it would take me to give feedback on them in a place that developers and modders can find it, so I don't do it. I don't care enough about them as artistic expressions be concerned with whether or not their next iteration improves.
A thread for little annoying things is gold as far as user feedback goes. It keeps the complaints fairly simple, and fairly specific, even if the required fixes/changes wouldn't be simple at all.
For me. It's the dead molerats (that some how are too heavy to carry) and skeletons you can't even move, out of the theater settlement. Can't build floors either...