Can someone (my friend living in the US) gift me a copy of the game from America and then I can add and install it in Japan? It worked for games like Shogun 2, but I actually bought that and added it in America. I would be adding Fallout 4 in JP.
it may be possible but you still wouldn't be able to play it until the official release date for the region because you wouldn't get the day one patch until then.
Well, I guess it depends on what region of steam you use? Can you even change steam regions?
As far as I know, you will not be able to download the game off of steam until the Japanese release date. Since the disc does not come with the full game for pc and you still would need to download a portion of it.. you'd still be out of luck.
if your on pc then you will have to use a vpn in order to the play the game on tuesday
most likely to eastern Australia or New Zealand until the 12th when he could then choose an asian country like south korea
Whoa what? Did they really take out the Nuke in the Japan released Fallout 3?
So it sounds like consensus is VPN is the only option, huh? Damn, oh well.
This is from the Bethesda 2008 announcement about Fallout 3 in Japan:
"Today, Bethesda issued a Japanese announcement saying that Fallout 3 has been tweaked for release in Japan. Translated by GameSpot, the announcement says the ability to destroy Megaton City with a nuclear weapon has been removed in the territory. According to the release, the non-player character Mr. Burke, who urges the character to detonate the bomb, has also been removed.
Cute pictures on game covers sell more than aggressive ones in Japan. Vice versa in USA. I just read the other day Nintendo CEO asked that Goldeneye 64 had reduced killing and blood in it as it wasn't family friendly, and what happened? Rare ignored the request and it became one of the Western World's most loved computer game.
My point is; what works in one country, doesn't in another.
I've been living here about 7 years so I'm pretty aware of the cultural differences. Iwata was a very unique personality and Nintendo's "Why" caters to a much younger crowd.
My friends (25-35) don't give a crap about nukes and have no feelings one way or the other. Anecdotal evidence but whatever. I just want to play fallout 4. VPN here I come. I can finally get spotify too!
Sadly you won't be able to play it until Japan's release date.
Now this guy right here, this is the man with the plan. I've never heard of this sign before. Where do I download the games? I buy the code and activate it on their site? Activate it on steam? How's it work??
EDIT: Nevermind...I just, ya know, looked at their website more. Awesome stuff.
It's a good site, I got a copy of FO4 for $45 on there during one of their sales earlier this year. It's pretty good.
And it'll have to activate on Steam. Though just an fyi, sometimes you won't get the key code until after release, so no preloading on steam.
I've pre-ordered a few games from GMG, and usually I've gotten the key's a few seconds after Steam timers hit zero. It's not a few hours late, but I have yet to get a game from GMG where I had time to preload. I do however, know that there have been a few games where you did have time to preload (some of the game, probably not all of it if it's 20+ gigs).
Still, I shop at GMG because of the great deals they offer.
Also, funny story. Bought the Season Pass for 20% off yesterday, got the key for it in my email today! Still waiting for my FO4 key though...