While I'm all for the idea of actually roleplaying in an RPG, I don't think I could keep myself from going out on epic quests to slay dragons and what-not. Chilling at the local inn of some village for forty-five real minutes just sounds drab as hell, TBH.
Than you are not a hardcoe RPer, no shame in that, its just I WON'T even sit in a chair for 45mins irl with nothing to do so I won't do it in game either, I will sit there for what seems like a good amount of time and say my character is thinking up her next big plan *while I am in my head* to go rob someone's house, maybe I am just writing out some charts on what I remember in the game to go do irl but my character is sitting at a bar drinking some mead, I could SAY she is Thinking up this plan as well....
Idk, I don't consider myself a HUGE RPer, like I am sure there are people out there who would gladly take half a in game year just to live a normal life at level 1 or whatever the level is when you start the game, cuz I am sure you will have to fight SOMETHING when it starts, without doing any random Waiting for a few hours but doing the basic stuff like buying a house somehow than sleeping every night at a certain time, for me, I could Never do this....
I used to do the sleeping every night at a certain time so getting up every morning at a certain time unless I wanted my character to sleep in an hour in Oblivion and it was fun for me