Any advice would be appreciated, I don't want to resort to waiting under a tree.
Perhaps you could just go to the hunter camps and sleep on their bedrolls? I think that's the only solution for not having to wait. If you wait I'd recommend finding a nice cave to clear and sleeping there.
And the city-less life is great! That's how I played my Khajiit
I think they are marked as owned, yes. Surely there must be a mod to fix that out there somewhere...
Aw... that svcks. Just did a quick search at the nexus and found
What about bandits then? Their beds aren't marked as owned are they?
You could always resort to forsworn camps, perhaps kill them and pretend your character found them abondoned, ( to minimize creepyness).
his list might help you if you want to store things:
Are you looking for a home base, or wondering how to locate beds in your travels?
I think clearing out a small bandit/forsworn lair is a great idea. is perfect, in my opinion. It's a Nordic Ruin, not a Forsworn camp, so ideal for a Nord barbarian. is another nice option, but unless you kill the hunter, you'd be sharing your space.
Wiki also says that killing a home owner frees up their bed from owned status, but I doubt your barbian wants to live in a house!
I'm sure you'll have no problem clearing them out again if they do.
Will he sleep in an inn outside of town? Old Hroldan Inn is in the Reach and you can sleep in Tibers old bed for 10 gold
ha well you could RP it as a regular customer that they fear there but know that every night you return to Tibers Room which is now your room that no one is allowed to use ever again. It's like you walk in and Eydis fetches your favorite mead and a bowl of water to wash the blood off your hands
You shouldn't really have a problem sleeping in the Hunter camp beds, there are many many spread out across Skyrim and from them if you're not going to hunt on that particular day you could just buy what they've caught, at the very least since its Roleplay we're talking here and not sleeping gives 0 Consequence in game just wait it out in a cave by the entrance or under a tree.
I kinda wish you were on PC (I'm assuming you're not) a flock of encounter mods have gotten wind and would add immensely to your immersion, like getting jumped by a bandit or beast while you're trying to catch some shut eye.
Good luck