Living at the boathouse playthrough...

Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:14 pm

I am going to do a playthrough where I leave the vault, and go directly to Taffington Boathouse and then never leave.
This was inspired by seeing another player trying to play by never leaving sanctuary.
But, I find Sanctuary Hills to be rather boring.

If you could pick just one settlement which would you choose?
I wnet with Taffington Boathouse because you only have to kill a few bugs to take it over, and it is easy to get there without hitting any other "landmarks" on the map...I want to only marks on my map to be Vault 111, and the boathouse.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:48 pm

I dont get it? Get to a settlement and then what?
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:29 am

I like the Starlight Drive-In - it's my only developed settlement aside from Sanctuary. I think it's closer to Sanctuary than the boathouse, and has plenty of room for expansion.

If you're only going to live in one place, the boathouse seems like a lousy choice simply because, as I recall, it has a really small building area and not many resources to scrap within that area. You'll barely be able to build furniture, let alone defenses or major structures. What exactly would you do there?

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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:43 pm

Oh you can make an okay'ish thing at the boathouse, but it's a shame at those smaller "plots", that we can't clear them completely... Or fix them up. That darn roof... -..-

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:56 pm

You can do something with the clipping trick - I fixed the house's roof at Greentops Nursery using that trick. I think with Taffington house being higher you'd need to build some stairs (think of it as scaffolding lol) to physically get high enough.

This video shows how, from 06:00 in shows you clipping:

For my roof at Greentops the entire thing was concrete blocks as I wanted to build more on top.

I've built vertically there to get around the space issue and as I do have my supply lines I grow little food there which also saves space. The OP wont have that option though so yes may struggle.
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:52 pm

My boathouse is nice, I built a big concrete wall with turret emplacements around it. It actually gets attacked quit a bit for me so it may be an ideal place because you'll be able to get more scrap from dead attackers.

I think Covenant would be a better small place because of how it is and plus traders show up there quite frequently.

(The build this guy is talking about is a STAY IN ONE PLACE build. You pick a settlement and you stay there... permanently. You don't leave to quest, you don't do nothing but build it up and stay there.)

I think my ideal place would either be the Kingsport Lighthouse, Because even though its a medium sized plot, you can actually build off of the top of the lighthouse. so Floating house. and plus you can build above the dock house behind it. If you place concrete around it, its a well defensible place. Raiders usually only come from the direction of the downed tractor trailer outside. You get a decent size house to put people in. Not many resources on site though. And the big problem could be the Children of the Atom you have to clear out, would be extremely difficult on a low level. Hell I was level 35 when I cleared it out and they gave me trouble.

I just don't think the STAY IN ONE PLACE builds are viable because of the lack of resources after a while. Sanctuary has a lot to begin with and as long as you can get some traders or stores it could last. Starlight Drive-In is good because of how big you can build it, but there isn't many resources there. You do have already existing structures you can house people in. I think the only way a StOP build could work is if you scrap all of sanctuary first, and then go to whatever place you're going to permanently stay at.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:49 pm

Spectacle Island is probably the best choice in terms of size and building potential, but good luck getting there and clearing it as a very low level. Traders would also have difficulty getting there and it is remote.

For somewhere that would get a lot of action, hangman alley would be good. Right in the middle of the city with lots of enemies and nearby locations, you could climb up to the rooftop and do some target practice on bandits and supermutants for fun :)
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