Download the updated masterlist.txt file from the BOSS Nexus page. You need that file. If you directly extracted the BOSS archive into the data folder you should have ended up at least with BOSS.exe, BOSS.bat and masterlist.txt. I think there is a document of some sort for BOSS in there as well, but those are the three files you need in order for it to work.
Oh what a muppet I am yeah it's in the zip file

here we go
Better Oblivion Sorting Software Load Order Utility
© Random007 & the BOSS development team, 2009-2010
Some rights reserved.
CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
v1.51 (2 April 2010)
Master .ESM date: Tue Apr 11 08:02:00 2006
FCOM not detected.
OOO detected.
Better Cities not detected.
Recognised and re-ordered mod files:
. Note: Masterlist Information: $Revision: 788 $, $Date: 2010-04-02 12:04:08 -0700 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) $, $LastChangedBy: pacificmorrowind $
Cobl Main.esm
. Note: Do not use Tamrielic Ingredients and COBL at the same time.
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Invent,Scripts,Stats,Relations}}
Kvatch Rebuilt.esm
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:C.Name,C.Light}}
Cobl Glue.esp
Cobl Si.esp
. Requires: Shivering Isles expansion.
OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp
Cobl Tweaks.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Actors.AIData,Actors.AIPackages,Actors.Stats,Delev,Factions,Graphics,Invent,Names,Relations,Relev,Scripts,Stats}}
Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
Kvatch Rebuilt - OOO Compatibility.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:C.Name,C.Owner}}
The Lost Spires.esp
Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp
. Note: MAY cause CTDs. Cause uncertain despite extensive debugging. Disable if experiencing a persistant crash.
Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Relations}}
Drokk's Vampire Mod.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Scripts,Graphics}}
Cobl Races.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH: Eyes, Hair, R.Relations, Voice-M, Voice-F}}
Cobl Races TNR.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:NpcFaces,NoMerge}} and deactivate.
. Requires: the Cobl Cosmetics Res 01 files installed.
Cobl Races TNR SI.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:NpcFaces,NoMerge}} and deactivate.
. Requires: the Cobl Cosmetics Res 01 files installed.
Cobl Races - Balanced.esp
. Bashed Patch tag suggestion: {{BASH:Body-F,Body-M,Eyes,Hair,R.Relations}}
Cobl Silent Equip Misc.esp
Streamline 2.1.esp
. Note: Very Old. Update to 3.1+.
Unrecognised mod files:
Reorder these by hand using your favourite mod ordering utility.