I specifically designed it to be loaded after and took great care to ensure that it would not mess anything up in BC. My readme say to load it after BC but since BOSS loads it before, I am afraid that many people are having problems with it and may be a reason why it is not as popular as my non BC version.
No hard feelings. These things happen. If I knew that I could do so at the time, I would have let you know what the correct order was.
What is messes up is:
1. There is a huge tree growing out of the Leyawiin clock tower. and the flower bed is the wrong size so that flowers and such are growing out if the street and stone part of the bed.
2. I made some very subtle and compatible terrain changes to Bruma. By subtle I mean mainly terrain texturing to make it look like the Chapel stairs are buried in snow instead of pavement as well as adding subtle snow highlights in other areas. Nothing overpowering but very realistic. It's not covered in snow or anything.
3. In skingrad I smoothed out the blocky lumps in the street in front of the chapel, but with the current load order it is still blocky.
4. The flower clock in Skingrad next to the chapel has major texture flickering.
5. The clock at the castle in Bravil is sunk into the ground a bit.
I don't think the BC team would mind any of these subtle changes and I have yet to have even a single person tell be that it messed anything up in BC, except for the first few days after release when I had some terrain tears in Bruma that have been fixed. Since then, in several months, not a single issue has been reported.
Please fix this if you can because this mod is truly under-rated and is a must-have if you like the Original by Willie Sea. It is also very true to his work. I even made the Wille Sea logo on the clocks look nicer.