I do not know about "immersion or game" breaking but after hearing more and more previews now knowing that the load screens show a good bit of content is disheartening to say the least
I for one hope they will keep this to a minimum.
I know I am not the only one who thinks this takes away from any kind of surprise/discovery element.
I am not just talking "spoilers",I want to discover and be surprised coming across new things,not see them in a load screen for crying out loud.
Imagine seeing that awesome,badass daedric weapon/armor 20 times in a load screen,by the time you do eventually get that kind of gear,for me at least,any kind of discover/surprise element will of completely vanished :sadvaultboy:
It looks cool,rotate objects/enemies/characters etc. but honestly,do you really want to for the very first time experience and visualize some wickedly awesome new dragon/ enemy type in a load screen?
This and the Hud are my two main gripes at the moment,do not take what I have to say as me being negative,only expressing my concern & opinion from what I've read and seen so far.
If I had to pick one thing that breaks immersion for me,I'd start with the HUD,specifically the compass.I know you can make the Hud transparent but that to me is not a solution to the initial issue of the design decision of placing the damn compass smack dab in front of your face intruding your view,it distracts period,not to mention every time you level up you are reminded with large font displayed front an center.
Although aesthetically it is pleasing ,As you can tell,Not digging the hud size or placement one bit.
I know the compass/Hud issue has been beaten to death so I will ask your opinions mainly on the loading screen issue,look forward to your thoughts.