Loading TR as master automatically dirties mod?

Post » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:45 am

Hey all. I'm wondering what's going on here...seems as soon as I loaded TR_Mainland to act as another master file for a mod I'm making, a bunch of https://www.dropbox.com/s/62op5tsr0ubqank/Dirty%20Cells.png
Indeed, making a patch for that mod (the above, not TR) with TR_Mainland still as master https://www.dropbox.com/s/5m24g4x9n51cehm/More%20dirty%20cells.png

The exact same 15 cells...and in each in the CS there is not a single reference with an asterisk, though the cell itself has an asterisk next to it... any ideas?

EDIT: Cleaning and re-saving brings the cells back as dirty, so it's not a fix-once-and-be-done job, it seems a bit more chronic that that.
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