Loading Screen Previews Spoil the surprise...

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:45 pm

This is something that bugged me since they started doing it back in Oblivion. Previewing Monsters, NPCs, Items, Weapons etc etc on the load screens. I don't want to see a monster I'm yet to discover until I meet it in the game, not see it on the damn loading screen! Please stop doing this on load screens! It's like the annoying guy in the seats behind you at the cinema that's already seen the movie and describing the plot as you watch it telling his friend what's coming next.

I've already seen a dozen different things I've yet to discover in-game and have the surprised spoilt due to seeing it on the load screen. I think there was a mod in Oblivion to actually remove them from load screens if I remember correctly due to people complaining about the same thing.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:23 pm

Yeah, this was particularly annoying in SKyrim, where it spoilt the presence of the falmer.

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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:53 am

There's a mod for that... actually 2 of them.

Go to The Nexus and search for "No Loadscreen Spoilers"

I don't use them, but they might be what you want.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:26 pm

Could just show what you already saw. No need to remove this feature completely. To bad It is too late for me, already got all the spoilers.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 6:29 am

Thanks Wolfhound, installed and running. Should of just had it like this by default. It just shows the Perk Pins on the load screen.


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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:28 am

My main disappointment is that the loading screens (and main menu, for that matter) have no style. Fallout 3 and New Vegas had a very distinct Vault-Tec style with the slides.

Even in the loading screens and menus - especially in the loading screens and menus - that's the first step in drawing you into the Fallout world.

In Fallout 3, the first screens - company logos, etc - are slides, and that motif continues.

Fallout 4's style is more about the vintage TV footage - but then they just dump it and it's just different camera views of a little area for the main menu, and 3D models for the loading screens.

Boring and devoid of interest and devoid of the strong stylistic choices they made in previous games.

I had the same objection to Skyrim's loading screens. They felt removed from the in-game world, rather than drawing you into it.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:48 pm

I really hope that a year from now someone makes a mod that tracks what creatures and weapons you've come across and makes it so that only the ones you've already seen show up.

Mod: "You just beat your first deathclaw? Okay, here, look at a fully rendered pose of it in full detail."

Me: "Wow, that's awesome. I can't believe we just beat that thing."

As opposed to

Game: "Hey, you find the X-Killatron yet?"

Me: "No, not yet."

Game: "Oh, well, here's exactly what it looks like!"

Me: "Jerk."

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:45 am

I can honestly say this has never bothered me let alone even cross my mind. I'm maybe just not as sensitive as others when it comes to stuff like this, to me the way I see it is this... Sure the game may 'spoil' what a death-claw is and what it looks like before you discover it in game but what it looks like is really just a tiny part of what death-claw is, a measly still 3D model doesn't really ruin anything, getting to see how it moves in combat and strategising against one is the real meat of what a death-claw is. If anything the 3D models in the load screen actually get me pumped for what's to come. For example if the load screen shows a legendary enemy I think "Wow that thing looks real tough I can't wait to meet it" then when I finally do it's like "Wow there's that epic enemy I saw in the load screen, I finally get to see it in action". I think people are way too sensitive to this type of thing just as they are with minor spoilers but to each his own.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:02 am

It's one of those things mods can't fix though. Not really.

I mean, you'd have to buy the game, already have something spoiled for you, and THEN somehow find out about this mod.

This is really just something Bethesda shouldn't have done in the first place.

Not that it bothers me that much (except in the case of the falmer in Skyrim) but I can see how it would annoy some.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:53 pm

i like it, it add something nice to see

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