;WARNING: Unable to load fragment source from function Fragment_2 in script SCV_QF_SCVC1magaenapuros_02020E2E;Source NOT loadedThis is the error i have in my quest data papyrus fragment windows. Don't know whats going on :S
;WARNING: Unable to load fragment source from function Fragment_2 in script SCV_QF_SCVC1magaenapuros_02020E2E;Source NOT loadedThis is the error i have in my quest data papyrus fragment windows. Don't know whats going on :S
this means you deleted a scene or dialogue fragment script without recompiling afterwards. open the quest that script's on and browse through the frags (or look it up directly in the script, whatever you prefer) until you find some "SOURCE NOT LOADED" or stg alike entry where code should be. replace this with a ; hit comple, delete the ; and exit.
hm, don't think so. you can check if they're still in the actual script (don't edit in there where it says you shouldn't though!!), they're on quest/script for quest frags or directly on scene for scene frags, but i actually don't think they are.
if you got that error after renaming a script: a copy of the psc with the old name might still be in your scripts folder. but i think it's faster to rewrite whatever the script did than making a big fuss retreiving it