I agree with this. I'm not necessarily blaming Crytek, just the gaming industry as a whole now. Due to the advent of internet and online multiplayer, developers put less and less effort into local modes simply because they assume people will play online, and if everyone buys their own copy, it will be more profitable.
However, in my opinion there is nothing like getting the guys together and playing a splitscreen match and having fun. Super Smash Brothers on N64, hell yeah. Timesplitters on Gamecube? Hell yeah. Im not the biggest Halo fan, but there is one thing Bungie does RIGHT and that was their local support. 2 player local co-op, 4 player local multiplayer, and 4 player splitscreen ONLINE is the ultimate party experience with your buds, I wish more games went this route.
Call of Duty 3 did it, it wasnt the best CoD game, but I loved having splitscreen online with up to 4 players. Even newer CoD games have something not far off. 4 player splitscreen local, or 2 player splitscreen online in Black Ops. Gears has some sort of splitscreen online mode too I think, at the very least they have splitscreen.
I understand it's not easy to do, especially with the good graphics, I wouldnt even mind lowered textures for splitscreen. I remember playing Rainbow 6 to death (Terrorist Hunt mode) with a friend at that was awesome. Splinter Cell Conviction had that too.
While some games still have some splitscreen support, I URGE game developers EVERYWHERE to recognize the value of gaming WITH buddies in the same room, and add some sort of splitscreen multiplayer, and if possible, taking splitscreen online. It's just flat out the most fun and I think many people respect that and pick up games because of those features!! Maybe in Crysis 3? Please?