the reward behind the door is scripted as well, and becomes unavailable if it detects itself as reloaded. if i want to only reward players that take the trouble of playing through my content, then as mod author, it is my prerogative to disqualify those who dont.
I'd say Yacoby understated the issue, you won't be able to disqualify anyone at all. The only thing added "security" causes is more frustrated users and more skilled hackers. Between the console (AddItem), toggling scripts, disabling the door, or even giving themself the item or removing the script in the CS, there's nothing you can do to stop players. As a mod author, you have the prerogative to try and piss off people honestly playing through your mod, but you'll never stop the people who don't want to. Careful you don't accidentally pull an Ubisoft.

that aside, i dont care one way or the other about the necessity of the complexity of adding a small script to a unique or rare object. my only interest is that the ability exists for such a script to be written.
It's possible but not foolproof.
you can do a whole lot more to doors and locks with scripts than you can in the properties dialog of the CS, such as the different mechanics you can use on the door itself. one that eats a lockpick per attempt at picking it. a trap that ruins good probes and returns them "bent". a transparent door that damages you when you touch it. less may sometimes be more, but sometimes more is just more.
More is more complicated, more to test, more that can be broken, more that can fail, but less can easily be more fun when it's done right (which is the whole point of modding).
i can see where you are coming from, but i feel there is a reason that in the vanilla game all of the locks that are not pickable are scripted.
For the messages, mostly. The one that comes to mind is the door telling you it's barricaded, but I think most of them give the reason or what you need to do in a message box. You could do the same in a journal entry, it's just less obvious and user-friendly.