For lock-picking, having the option to shoot the doorknob off a normal door at the expense of action points or something, (not blast doors obviously), by targeting them in V.A.T.S. or being given the option when rolling the reticle over the door. In the case of footlockers or crates, the option to break it open (again, obviously not safes) This ability could be given by way of a perk or automatically when a certain SPECIAL stat reaches a certain point (perception or strength maybe??). Another way would be by obtaining some kind or auto-pick similar to the Skeleton Key in Oblivion, though this would be the aforementioned processes could make way for some interesting new animations.
For hacking, an auto-hack feature or some sort of item that takes up space in your inventory could hack the terminal for you. This ability or item could also be accrued by way of a leveled perk or when Intelligence reaches a certain number.
Obviously this doesn't matter much on the PC version of the game, (i.e. console commands), but for Xbox 360 and PS3 owners this could make the game less about backtracking and more about testing out the crazy powerful new weapon you found behind a locked door. (Experimental MIRV anyone?) I know this kind of a useless thing to post now seeing as New Vegas drops in four days, but maybe future Fallout games or DLC could utilize something to this nature.