You need to toss in a money sink as well.
Example, perhaps a special money sink pin that you can buy to provide a temporary one shot boost of your skill. IE, you don't have the skill, but you really want to open the lock, make a special pin avaliable at your merchant for purchase. Or make the potions more accessible.
The whole point of my setup is that it makes the tough(est) locks
less accessible unless you invest heavily in Lockpick and its associated perks, and as such I'm not sure I would want to add a 'buyout' option. It's not a
bad idea, per se, just not really compatible with my system. As for the potions, that's what Alchemy is for, although I suppose it wouldn't hurt to propagate it to a few more vendor lists.
Hmmm, upon further consideration I thought of a way to do it without it feeling like 'gaming the system': add additional 'special' perks that can be obtained from Lockpick Trainers and/or Thieves' Guild NPCs, for a fee that scales with your Lockpick skill. The higher your skill the lower the fee, since you would already know some of what they would be teaching, and there could even be an additional discount if you had (a) certain perk(s). Even at max skill with all the 'normal' perks it would still be a hefty amount, since you're basically getting them to reveal trade secrets they're not supposed to share with
anybody, let alone spill to someone (i.e., us) whose loyalty is still rather suspect (at least as they would see it).
It seems you missed a couple of lines, I specifically stated that
spamming picks will not work in my system, as it insures that trying that against a lock well out of your league will almost certainly ruin it beyond repair, rendering the door/container permanently sealed shut.
Here's how it works: the lower your skill is compared to the lock the higher the chance of breaking it while trying to pick it, with an additional modifier for each numerical tier of difficulty (i.e. 0, 20, 40, 60, etc.) the lock is above your current skill level. Thus, a new character with the default 15 Lockpick will have pretty much no chance in hell of opening a Master-level lock and a probability verging on automatic of trashing the lock in the process. Pick-spamming would only make this
more likely; each subsequent attempt would increase, up to a point, the chance of catastrophic failure.