Hmm, thanks for that. I did not know they left those out. I never looked for them.
A moderator being wrong?
This can not go unpunished!
*takes out Ebony Blade*
Please wash your neck and prepare for consequences.
Because, it's not like it's that hard to open a lock with a pick in this game. I have yet to come across a lock that I can't open. And, that's the biggest problem with Lockpicking in this game, no real need to increase the skill or select perks for this skill.
I remember the first lock I opened was a Master level lock and I thought, OK, so the lowest level locks are called Master, what are the harder locks called?
I agree with this so much it hurts. >_>
I had some trouble in the beginning since I didn't play FO so I had to learn how does this new system works.
Once I got it (which took very little time), I totally forgot about even taking a look what difficulty lock is since I had no problem with any of them (which is pretty sad when your Lockpicking is 15-20 and has no perks invested in it).
If my character does not have the skill level required, it should not be able to open the lock. Right now, lockpicking has more to do with me than it does with my character and that's not RPG.
True, even though I think that they should aim for perfect balance between player's skill and characters skill.
It would kinda be dumb to let just numbers decide your chance of opening locks.
Still, I think that they should make picking locks a lot harder without proper perks and skill level.
Also, I think that picking locks should be real time and that broken lockpicks should make noise which can attract enemies, guards and door/chest owners.
That would actually really make Lockpicking an important skill and give purpose to it's perks (now, they are all totally useless).
I don't see why people think lockpicking doesn't fit there roleplaying style, I for one don't really care if it doesn't fit exactly, but some people obviously do...
Because it doesn't.
It's like forcing a mage or warrior to sneak.
It's simply not their thing.
And what's wrong with having an alternative?
What is wrong with a 2h heavy armor warrior who can lockpick, how is that any less plausible than a stealth archer? I don't see the problem, its just manipulating the locks mechanism with a pick to unlock it. Mages who have mastered the understanding of magic in this game, are able to open a lock with a pick. Given some of the other problems with this game (not huge ones apart from the magic resist) this is nothing IMO.
Nothing if you RP that way.
The problem is that picking locks is not a warrior or mage thing and therefore some people don't want it.
I'm personally not that bordered with it, but I do understand why it does bother some people and support the idea of giving alternatives.
In this case, it can only make game better.