Why am I being *forced* to pick locks to complete Warrior Guild (companions) quest? Several quests given to you by the companions have you rescuing a person from a random cave where you need to break them out of a cage. But instead of supplying the key on a tougher "boss" enemy, or hiding the key somewhere, you're forced to pick the cage's lock with no alternative. What kind of dumb ass design is this?
Another example: I completed an investigation quest in a city last night, where I had to find proof of a character's misdeeds inside her house. But instead of having an option to persuade/intimidate a guard or the jarl to help me get inside the house the ONLY options I've served are to pickpocket the key to the house, or pick the lock inside.
If it was only the latter example, I could stomach an oversight. But being forced to do it in the equivalent of the Warrior's Guild, is just broken. I don't mind passing by locked chests and "alternate path" locked doors inside dungeons. But having it forced on characters that don't fit, is just sad. This is exactly what I mean when I say Skyrim's reeking with missed opportunities. Why not add more alternatives to quests? As mentioned in the investigation situation: the chance to use to speech skill. Hell, why not engage the woman's lover in a tavern brawl, knock him out and get the key this way?
Lockpicking doesn't fit all characters. Why would a big ass, burly warrior suddenly bend over? Who says this blunt bastard even has the capacity to do something as delicate as pick a lock? Why would my shaman do it? As a matter of fact, why the heck were open lock alteration spells removed from the game? Does Bethesda love their terrible lockpicking minigame so much they need to force it down everyone's throat?
As a matter of fact, I think it would be high time Bethesda considered adding the BASH LOCK feature that's *always* modded into their games. Its not difficult to balance this to keep lockpicking enticing.
- High chance to damage the character's health and stamina. (If there's an enemy behind that locked door, you might have trouble)
- Bashing a lock is exceptionally loud, causing enemies and guard to investigate from a farther radius. (Add a timer that if you're seen trespassing, they arrest/attack you.)
- Bashing a chest has a high chance of breaking the items inside, making them useless.
- Cannot bash large stone/metal doors and chests.
I really hope that 4-5 years from now, when they release the next installement in the series, Bethesda will finally evolve a bit outside the graphics department.