Maybe you could explain how you did it?
Actually this is a tutorial that needs to be written because at the time being, the info are scattered between several articles posted here and there.
Concerning Tamriel, personal experience tells me that you cannot do it. Generating LOD for a custom world space is a lot easier, once you know how to do it. I had to figure it out by myself.
1) Download the necessary files here:
2) Extract the content of the archive:
- the "Source" folder must be placed in the Steam/SteamApps/common directory, next to the Skyrim folder,
- the "lodsettings", "meshes" and "textures" folders must be placed in the Data directory.
3) Generating the LOD for your world space:
The first thing you must do is make a copy of your plugin. Generating LOD irreversably damages the plugin by completely ruining your efforts at editing the landscape or creating a heighmap.
- launch the Creation Kit and load the copy you made of your plugin,
- do not load anything in the render window; it would just eat up precious resources,
- follow the instructions below in that exact order:
Once this is done you can trash the copy of your plugin and come back here!