don't raise your INT above 5, or 1, if you can bear not to have Pack Rat, heck, chalenge yourself and don't take Pack Rat.
Dude, my characters are based on pack rat perk. I carry a ton of small stuff....mainly because I survive off the land and never ever use stimpacks and I love to collect recipes.
I've played without pack rat perk. It ruins the fun of the game for me. I seriously can't play without that perk. If there were no intelligence required for that perk I would never ever raise my intelligence more than 1, because I don't need to max out every single skill...and I don't care if my speeches reveal me as an idiot. I want the challenge.
You say it's more of a challenge without pack rat....well I would say it's less of a challenge for someone to live solely on stimpacks intstead of living off the land. And I like to operate in the field for a long time, so I don't want to have to go back to base a million times cause 3/4 of my ingredients weight 1 pound.
only use bullets that do the least damage and only carry 15 bullets at a time
LOL, ok I'll start shooting Hollow Point bullets at Giant WTF. ...15 bullets? Dude, that's not a challenge. That's just not being combat effective.
I get what your saying about using weaker weapons. The Tomahawk happens to be my favorite melee weapon. But at the same time I'm not gonna toss This Machine into Lake Mead...