» Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:44 am
While Logan's Loophole isn't the kind of trait to top off your character-in-progress, you could plan an interesting character around it. I tend not to use addictive chems except the occasional Steady or Psycho because I get very annoyed by the addiction visual effects and penalties. Not that I'm complaining; The addiction system SHOULD make penalize a player who's experiencing withdrawal.
So yes, you COULD take perks to make chems less addictive, but why not eat them like candy with no consequences? If you cap at 30 instead of 44 you only miss out on 7 perks (10 once LR comes out) and a decent number of skill points. Do you think you could make an interesting, fun, and combat-viable character with the constraint of 7-10 fewer perks? I've seen some pretty creative ideas on these forums, so I think you could rise to the challenge.
For those of you who still find the game challenging at level 40+ on Very Hard/hardcoe, I'm right with you. Having 100 in every skill isn't going to help that, because presumably most players max their combat and HP-relevant stats as early as possible anyway (there is no bartering with cazadores). Depending on perks and gear (more so than stats), some situations will be easy and others will be hard.
But I believe people who say the game is too easy or imbalanced because you can max out your stats, I suggest that you give yourself some constraints to make it challenging:
0. Keep your intelligence low -- Lots of people complain how easy it is to get to 100 in every skill, but if you start with a low intelligence and don't take any skill-stat-boosting perks, you're going to have some pretty significant skill deficiencies in one area or another until far later in the game. Just figure out the lowest INT you need to get the perks you want and leave it at that.
1. Limited weapon set -- Pick 1-3 weapons and stick to them the whole game. Be practical, but it's usually more fun to pick a few weapons with character than to always carry uber-weapons. For example, Oh Baby! and the Shishkebab are probably going to beat Knock Knock in DPS, but I just enjoy the look and feel of Knock Knock more, so it's on every melee build I make. The chainsaw isn't as damaging as the Thermic Lance, but it has more satisfying visual effects and takes up less screen space while I'm running around. Also, I find that silenced guns make the game a bit boring and easy, so I avoid them.
2. True companionship -- Choose a companion as a life partner of sorts, and keep them alive through all of your travels (on hardcoe, obviously).
3. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1205789-the-dead-is-dead-thread-3/ -- If you die, you delete your save. You only have one life. It makes the game far more difficult when there are permanent consequences to your decisions.