Logan's Loophole or Logan's Overkill?

Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:36 pm

This thing is too powerfull and unbalance the game heavelly! Anybody feels this too or I'm overreacting? :blink:

I have Dead Money DLC and one of my builds is a high luck one, so I was able to gain the voucher, wich means that I have unlimited access to Med-X, Buffout and Steady.
Also, OWB adds Battle Brew to the equation, wich grants +35 DR and you have Slasher, wich grants another +25 DR and can be used along with Med-X.

So imagine if you have Logan's Loophole + Chemist + Cardiac Arrest + Day Tripper.
Cardiac Arrest = with 8 END you are imune to poison and gain +50% in healing items
Chemist = doubles the time a drug works
Day Tripper = +33% drug duration
Logan's Loophole = immune to drug addiction
With 75 points in medicine and survival most items works at extremelly very good levels

The equation's result = God Mode!

Who needs stats at 100% with those? Just buy a lot of Steady and all the weapons in the game are turned into accurate snipers. With Battle Brew + Slasher + Med-X you gain +85 DR on top of your armor DT. With Chemist this +85 DR will last at least for two minutes due to Slasher duration and after that +60 DR for 8 minutes. I'm not counting Day Tripper, so add +33%. Repeat ad nauseum or until you are out of drugs.
This isn't too much?

Also, why there's this talk about "all enemies will level slower and the game will be easy" if the player is capped at level 30? Enemies spawn with fixed stats based on what level the player is on the game and only after this, they level based on the player stats if they are allowed to do that. Most of the time the respawns are from another more stronger version of the enemy. But guess what, even if they level and you go to Sierra Madre at level 20 like the DLC recommends, the Ghost People will be at least in level 40 and they will scale at +1 per level, so in level 30 they will be at the maximum allowed level for them, 50. In fact, the next respawn of a Ghost People, like the ones in front of the Police Station, will be a stronger version with maximum level.
OWB and HH follows the same rule, so before level 30 all enemies will be in their full levels contrary to popular belief.

If you go to the DLCs below the recommended level, regular enemies will spawn more weaker, but in the end they will all reach their maximum level and stats way sooner than level 30.
Beyond level 30 is the player who actually becomes more stronger and the game becomes more easier.
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phil walsh
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:42 am

I think you may be overreacting. If you think its overpowered, don't use it.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:46 am

Air makes living too easy. I think breathing should be removed from life.
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keri seymour
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:22 am

...Then don't use this combination?
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:22 pm

That mixture of chems is the issue even if you were addicted to them all one fixer or a quick trip to the doc fixes that even if you didn't take care of the addiction tha drugs effects don't change si I fail to see the OP's point its not the perk its the drugs. And if you really feel that way don't use either that cocktail or the perk the whole point of which was to cap you at 30 so theres still some balance in the game since a lot of us wanted the original cap back.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:23 am

I think I have the solution to your problem OP... don't use that combination of drugs/perks!

As always, I am glad to be of assistance to help you out with your gaming needs. Good luck with your gaming goals for the rest of 2011. :)
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Quick Draw
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:33 am

IMO it balances out. If you take logans loophole, you're immune to chems, you dont take it, you become an overpowered 100 maxed skillpoint god amongst men character. It's all russian roulette with a fully loaded revolver really. :shrug:
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:30 am

There are a number of perk/trait combinations that create godlike characters, like every single player game. I wouldn't dwell on it much.
If this were an MMORPG I'd agree fully.
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:21 pm

I really don't use chems that much so its really not a problem for me :shrug:
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Joie Perez
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Post » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:40 pm

If you think its overpowered, don't use it.

^ this

...Then don't use this combination?

^ and this

if you really feel that way don't use either that cocktail or the perk

^ and this too

don't use that combination of drugs/perks!

^ and coming around full circle... this!
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