Logan's Loophole questions.

Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:11 pm

Having never used the drugs in game, well besides the super occasional Mentat, does the no addiction part of the trait radically alter the game? I'm not worried about the level 30 stop, but really just want to know if it's fun, and worth it to start up a play through using the loophole.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:36 pm

Come my friend. Let us introduce you to your first Psycho high.... :celebration:

Without any chance of addiction there is no reason to NOT use every combat enhancement drug that comes your way. How many doses of Psycho, Med-X, Jet, Buffout, Slasher, Hydra, etc etc have you given away? The whole mechanic of the drugs was designed to be risk versus reward: Is it worth the risk of addiction to use this buff. Except this trait removes the risk aspect.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:19 pm

So drugs do totally change the game? I'm going to have to try it. Cool.
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emily grieve
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:02 am

Drugs have always been beneficial, even if suffer from withdrawl from everything, it's still helpful. Things like Turbo,Slasher,Psycho,Med-X are all important. Hell, I can't play without Psycho or Med-X, I just don't know how to play without it!
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:54 pm

I've finally started using chems (well after beating F3 and having played through NV twice, no OWB yet). I'm starting to see the light. Fixer is your friend.......... once it wears off.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:33 pm

i was disappointed that they added the chem resist to logans loophole. i hopefully disabled that part in the GECK but i still have to test it. drugs are pretty easy to use and abuse so there should be some risk of addiction even if though in the last 2 fallout games it was kind of a joke since it was easy to fix or just see a doc or pop another of whatever you were addicted to.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:39 am

I normally just use any chems I find as free caps. Going to try a loophole character. Thinking melee. Bezerker rage, drug fueled death. Maybe Mr House, he wants me to kill everything and everyone.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:47 am

Fallout 2 was the only one with realistic drug use. I haven't used drugs in Fallout 3 or NV, except Buffout when I need to carry my loot to town.
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Post » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:10 am

WIth logans loophole there is no reason not to use drugs, no negative effects. For people who don't have logans loophole and have never touched drugs in game before, here is what your missing out on.

Say your a drug addict in game, doesn't matter which drug, any will do. You take it and you get the immediate rush, depending on the drug and its addiction rate you will be addicted fairly fast, generally within 1-3 uses. When addicted this means you suffer withdrawls whenever you aren't on the substance. Withdrawls are negative SPECIAL and/or negative Skill points mixed with the screen flash thats associated with getting your head crippled, very very annoying. So this means you have to put up with a constant crippled head injury whenever you don't have drugs to satisfy your craving. And it also means that in situations where you need to be 100% the top of your game you are now forced to take the drug to get back up to speed. An example would be having 100 lockpicking skill, coming across a 100 skill check lock. With no addictions you can open the lock, if you are addicted you need to take the substance to remove the negative effects, or you need to read a skill magazine because your lockpicking while on a withdrawl is going to be in the mid 90s, not 100.

Drugs will give you a short term benefit at a long term cost, just like in the real world. Don't do drugs mkayyyyyyyyyyyy?
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:07 pm

I can't imagine playing the game without drugs, I had a character addicted to EVERYTHING and some people have never used them?
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 9:06 pm

Drugs in FO3 and NV are useful but too much of a hassle. They just don't last long enough to justify their use. It would be nice if they lasted hours like in FO1 and 2.
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emily grieve
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:59 pm

I actually think its cool!
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Jack Walker
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:59 pm

I can't imagine playing the game without drugs, I had a character addicted to EVERYTHING and some people have never used them?

I barely use them. The only time I really use chems is with Party Time Mentats to get out of tough situations early on in a playthrough and Buffout when I am about to go to Deathclaw hotspots such as Quarry Junction.
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Post » Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:32 pm

WIth logans loophole there is no reason not to use drugs, no negative effects. For people who don't have logans loophole and have never touched drugs in game before, here is what your missing out on.

Say your a drug addict in game, doesn't matter which drug, any will do. You take it and you get the immediate rush, depending on the drug and its addiction rate you will be addicted fairly fast, generally within 1-3 uses. When addicted this means you suffer withdrawls whenever you aren't on the substance. Withdrawls are negative SPECIAL and/or negative Skill points mixed with the screen flash thats associated with getting your head crippled, very very annoying. So this means you have to put up with a constant crippled head injury whenever you don't have drugs to satisfy your craving. And it also means that in situations where you need to be 100% the top of your game you are now forced to take the drug to get back up to speed. An example would be having 100 lockpicking skill, coming across a 100 skill check lock. With no addictions you can open the lock, if you are addicted you need to take the substance to remove the negative effects, or you need to read a skill magazine because your lockpicking while on a withdrawl is going to be in the mid 90s, not 100.

Drugs will give you a short term benefit at a long term cost, just like in the real world. Don't do drugs mkayyyyyyyyyyyy?

The side effects should only be a problem if you don't have a stash going. Being addicted svcks, I hate suffering from Med-x and Psycho withdrawls, but I am usually well loaded on them.
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