Just Testing out the Fallout 4 Machinima field.
this is in the spoilers section because of some of the things shown.
be brutal, it's just a test to see if it's worth investing in.
Just Testing out the Fallout 4 Machinima field.
this is in the spoilers section because of some of the things shown.
be brutal, it's just a test to see if it's worth investing in.
I thought it was funny. Balance out the NPC audio with your own so we can hear them more clearly, be very aware of the environmental sounds in the future. Liberty Prime stomping around in the background was distracting.
I also think it would be a nice touch to add a filter to your voice when you're in power armor, like in the actual game.
You seemed like you were improvising for the most part and were pretty quick on your responses. You have a more mature Peter Griffin tone to your voice.
I also think you can make it all work in first person like you did there. It takes on a "found footage" kind of style by doing it like that. Maybe play around with field of views if you're on the PC.
Looking forward to a full episode!
thanks for the input, unfortunately I'm not sure I'm gonna stick with the power armor. but I might include it for a few segments.
I made a trailer based on an episode I had been editing, if you wanna check it out here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAvkfHtPF7c
lol glad you had a laugh out of that trailer. hopefully I'll be able to put up the series soon. but for now, i'm going through several dozen recordings trying to get some good stuff out of it.
not sure if i'm gonna stick to the story or if I'm gonna do rambles.
to do a full story line series, I'd have to be on the ground a lot, and unlike the previous mind series done, it's not such a short distance to each quest point in fallout. but if I do a ramble, I can use vertibirds to get around