
Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:27 am

Levitation thread disguised in weird title. Lock!
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:51 am

Why cant I just be invincible? Those monsters in OB were SOOOO hard! I didnt even get to see anything outside of the Imperial City because those Mudcrabs are freaking demonic! I hereby start a petition to add Invincibility to Skyrim as a basic ability. That way I can explore more of the world!

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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:01 pm

No levitate!
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Floor Punch
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:43 am

Let me play too.

The devs spent a lot of time creating a relationship system for Skyrim, so they should remove all violence against NPC's from the game, you're only allowed to be friends, date, or marry them now. (Any other NPC interactions will be cause for immediate imprisonment for one year at the nearest Imperial prison.)

The devs spent a lot of time creating a crafting system for this game, they should remove all weapon\armor vendors from the game, if you don't make them yourself, then you don't deserve to have them. (The devs spent a lot of time filling the game world with the required materials, you will find and use them.)

The devs spent a lot of time creating dragons, every encounter that isn't relationship related, should be a fierce battle with a dragon.

The devs spent a lot of time creating shouts for this game, magic takes away from shouts by being shouts but slightly different, magic will be removed. (By extension mages themselves have been deprecated, they shall also be removed.)

The devs spent a lot of time creating a large game world for your enjoyment, thus you WILL be required to enjoy the landscape for at least 3 game hours every day. (This shall be facilitated by teleporting you to a random location, locking your controls, and panning the camera around for the allotted time period. Bethesda will be watching, do not look away from the screen, do not go to the bathroom, do not leave to get something to eat, just sit and enjoy, or Bethesda will find you.)

That was fun, now it all makes sense. :P
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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:47 am

Why cant I just be invincible? Those monsters in OB were SOOOO hard! I didnt even get to see anything outside of the Imperial City because those Mudcrabs are freaking demonic! I hereby start a petition to add Invincibility to Skyrim as a basic ability. That way I can explore more of the world!


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Chase McAbee
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:28 am

Well, I just read the answers to the fan questions (yeah, I'm late to the party), and it's just as I feared. The devs can't be bothered to deal with levitate. Like it's so hard to put a ceiling on your dungeon.

I find it dismaying. Maybe if they didn't blow their budget on celebrity voice actors or whatever, they could spend a few more work hours coming up with creative solutions.
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:22 am

Morrowind levitation was basically just flying. I would like to see levitation added in much more dynamically with more limitations on things such as height, casting and attacking. Either that or not at all.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:01 am

I personally almost never used levitate, but I sure do miss my jump spells.
In any case, since Skyrim is an open ended game, theres no reason we shouldn't be able to soar over those mountain tops.
And to all of you saying that it takes away from the effort they put into the landscape, did you ever use fast travel in Ob? with no other means of quick transportation, I rarely saw the landscape anyhow. :shrug:
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Matt Terry
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:12 am

Really now? We just had this thread. It got locked after ten pages of flame wars and arguments. And nothing of value was lost.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:08 am

I want space ships and paper airplanes.

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Adrian Powers
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:51 am

Sequence jumping exists in every game.

O.k this made me laugh. sequence jumping??? A 20 - 30 hour game done in 7 minutes is NOT sequence jumping, that is just plain game jumping. People's ability to learn combat was hampered but two factors; The Boots of Blinding Speed and Levitate. The BoBs let you run so fast that only snow wolves and Cliff Racers could ever keep up and Levitate let you avoid too much. Saying that i wouldn't be averse to seeing Slowfall again but the point is too many people abused it. You could argue that you could choose to not use it, but then if that was a good arguement why do we have laws in real life? People could choose to not do those things in real life to each other but somehow we still need the police. People always take the easiest route, so Bethesda just laid the law and removed it :P The same for Sujamma, it just made things too easy for the exploiters.

On another point to this, this game is SKYRIM not MORROWIND so i'm not expecting it to be morrowind's game engine set in skyrim, things should be different and i'm cool with the loss of levitate, acrobatics and athletics.
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:38 am

pretty simple i think consoles cant handle non celled citys thats where this ends up its a bussiness decision a smart one .Let half the based be able to fly and lose half or keep em all and dont allow flying .Thats where i see this topic going and getting stalled at .Mod it .
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:29 am

O.k this made me laugh. sequence jumping??? A 20 - 30 hour game done in 7 minutes is NOT sequence jumping, that is just plain game jumping. People's ability to learn combat was hampered but two factors; The Boots of Blinding Speed and Levitate. The BoBs let you run so fast that only snow wolves and Cliff Racers could ever keep up and Levitate let you avoid too much. Saying that i wouldn't be averse to seeing Slowfall again but the point is too many people abused it. You could argue that you could choose to not use it, but then if that was a good arguement why do we have laws in real life? People could choose to not do those things in real life to each other but somehow we still need the police. People always take the easiest route, so Bethesda just laid the law and removed it :P The same for Sujamma, it just made things too easy for the exploiters.

On another point to this, this game is SKYRIM not MORROWIND so i'm not expecting it to be morrowind's game engine set in skyrim, things should be different and i'm cool with the loss of levitate, acrobatics and athletics.

This argument is fallacious.
What you describe, using levitate and other intended game mechanics to skip a large portion of the game and end the main quest straight away is absolutely and 100% impossible unless you have an intimate knowledge of the game.
The kind of knowledge you only get after playing many, many hours.
And so what if after 100-200+ I get to do something like that?
Its what makes the game cool.

Levitation was not a win button in Morrowind, that is another gross overexaggeration.
Even Morrowind had NPC's that were perfectly able to deal with levitation by shooting you out of the sky.
Such as the archers on Berandas or the skeletal archers at Ald Redaynia.

Slowfall is impossible to be abused. This is not an FPS shooter.
Avoiding falling damage or enemies by slowfalling is not a glitch, a bug and most certainly not a cheat.
It is an intended game mechanic. An option, a choice.

Similar the boots of blinding speed.
That is obviously just a bit a fun, and I for one found them wonderful.
There is no cheat here for the plain reason the game doesnt work like that.
A cheat is opening the console and doing whatever. A cheat is glitch duplicating scrolls.

I really dislike opinions that view things like an FPS shooter and wonderful mechanics that allow for so much freedom as 'cheating'.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:44 am

I would like a type of teleport spell. I guess mark and recall (?) from what little I heard about it, would be on the idea.

Though they could keep it to being in 1 cell. Doesn't sound too game breaking ?? Should be a way to remove the 'mark' if the person is supposed to have fallen into an area they are meant to go through.

- -There is a 'teleport-behind-baddie-shout' apparently..
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:54 pm

Bethesda should just do away with movement entirely. It makes much more sense to place characters on a moving walkway, and have the game decide where the character goes, and what the character does. We don't want anybody getting creative and missing out on content in the game that they paid for.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 8:14 am

I would like a type of teleport spell. I guess mark and recall (?) from what little I heard about it, would be on the idea.

Though they could keep it to being in 1 cell. Doesn't sound too game breaking ?? Should be a way to remove the 'mark' if the person is supposed to have fallen into an area they are meant to go through.

- -There is a 'teleport-behind-baddie-shout' apparently..

Imo they should expand your mark & recall abilities (with perks or whatever). 1st level you can recall to one point, next level to a 2nd one...(they could leave fast level out then).
This could leave descisions to the player, where he exactly wants to go & could possibly use/drain magicka or anything else.
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Doniesha World
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Post » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:57 am

Features of an open-world RPG:

- Freedom
- Ability to approach quests in many different ways (including avoiding things or finding easy ways out)

Features of a linear RPG:

- Set paths
- Control over what the player sees and does

...Bethesda should work with what they've got rather than cutting things out and drifting closer to the linear approach.

They should just let us clip through walls, dammit! Forcing us to walk down those dungeon tunnels is just so linear.


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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:49 pm

They should just let us clip through walls, dammit! Forcing us to walk down those dungeon tunnels is just so linear.



That would make no sense regarding the setting. Levitation would.
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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:36 pm

Thanks for bringing that up. I want Passwall back.

Level design can svck it.
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