Morrowind was sweet with the flying. It made exploring dungeons a lot more fun because there were always some ledges and stuff you couldn't walk to.
But I hear that Skyrim doesn't even have a jump skill. And Oblivion didn't have levitate. What's up with that? Don't simplify the game each time around and sacrifice beloved mechanics.
I think levitate would be especially relevant to Skyrim what with the flying dragons, you know? Give the player another option to fight them.
And if people are worried that it'll favor mages too ,much, then introduce climbing! You know, rock climbing/mountain climbing. Like in Oblivion where the argonians said they liked to climb cathedrals.
It's like in Oblivion the devs took the easy way out, and made cities into cells (dumb move, give up cells altogether!), made secret exits for dungeons, and cut off a bit of the game that added awesome new dimensions.
Remember flying up to the palace of justice? Cmon, Bethesda, don't let us down again!
Although, they're probably mostly finished with the game now and won't listen to the fans.