So, I have a G13, and it's pretty awesome. It has enough keys for essentially everything you'd need (there's still some keys like T and stuff that are rarely used, for which I keep the keyboard near to hand). The only drawback with this game in particular is that the joystick support is all-or-nothing. By which, I mean that you can use just a gamepad (and the mouse/keyboard no longer respond) or use mouse/keyboard (and there's zero anolog control). I just want to be able to use the G13's anolog stick for anolog movement. Right now I have it bound to WASD, which works but kinda svcks. You can only move in 8 directions and the walk speed is full speed or nothing (a slight tilt to the stick behaves the same as a full tilt).
I know your hands are full with fixing bugs, but if there's a way to get an anolog registered for movement without having to lose mouse control (or even allow mouse control when the gampad is active), I'd sure like to know what it is.
(If someone wants a copy of my Fallout 4 G13 profile, I can share it later when i get home)