LOL - We've all thought this at least once

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:53 am Ever since I heard that the dragon shouts were actually just words in the ancient language, I've wondered about the seriousness of the "debate" concept. I mean, most debates are won with logic right? So does a dragon shout become stronger the more logical it is? Or is the debate really just won by whoever can shout the loudest? (Toddler Style)

Or is there even more to it than that? Does "wisdom of the ages" come into play, and the wisest and truest dragon wins? We would like to think so, right?

Anyway, just a fun little cookie for thought.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:47 am

Do dragons even have six, i mean what would the moaning turn out like?


>_>...never heard it from me.
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Catherine Harte
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