For example, the texture quality has NOTHING to do with the release date limitation. It actually takes LONGER TIME to take high-res pictures and scale them down to fit. So Crytek actually used more time making the graphics worse, kinda.
So yeah, some things wouldn't be EA's fault.
You're wrong and right. Right that yes, Crytek purposely scaled the high-res textures down. BUT!! They did it so it can run smoothly on consoles. Remember this is a multiplatform game. It takes time to scale down and make it work, but it takes MORE TIME to re-implement high res into the PC version. Like I say constantly, it's just not done yet, we need to wait for patches and updates. If there was let's say, 6 more months to work on this game, then the problems we see including low textures on PC version for like the grass, WOULD NOT exist.
It all has to do with release date. Release dates=deadlines to work. The farther the deadlines, the more you can work, the more you work, the better the outcome. it's just how things work in life.