LOL people are actually defending Crytek.

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:44 am

Hahahaha seriously? After they lied to everyone and released a game before they fixed anything? Really?

I know, i don't understand it either. Why defend a company that lied to it's customers?
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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:55 am

Both of you aren't true fans of crysis.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:52 pm

Both of you aren't true fans of crysis.
I was once a true fan, I was a fanboy. I denied and almost won every argument against crytek. But after this release, I cant support them anymore, that crytek has betrayed me as a customer.
if they step up and do what they did in crysis ill start respecting them again. but right now no hope.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:26 am

I hate when people use the invalid argument of "You aren't a true fan."
There's a line between admiration and blind faith of a company that has not earned it.
Whenever they release an update that accommodates what was lost in the launch, then I will continue support them, until then, there is no reason to.
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carley moss
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:43 pm

The game's fixed. What are you still biching about?

Oh, probably DX11. Back in my day, we didn't care what version of DX the game ran on. We just cared that the game ran.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:54 pm

stop being such a crybaby, while ur here complaining i'll go play on the best fps every created and enjoy the nice dx11 graphics... NOT!
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:46 am

So when exactly did Crytek say anything about Dx11? It was never mentioned by the Crytek team, or on the website.

They lied about nothing. The game has a few bugs online, and some weird glitches, but HEADS UP: EVERY PC GAME DOES AT LAUNCH. Its the nature of our platform. Every PC is different so it just happens.

The game is the best looking game. If your so eager to put your DX11 card to work go boot up the uniengine benchmark.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:49 am

Both of you aren't true fans of crysis.

Man ur stupid.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:32 am

Cryek lied or your own hopes and hype you gave the game never came to fruition. Which one ? {needs a stroking chin smiley]
because your parents couldn't afford two.
And its the generation whose parents bought everything their children asked for thats turned gaming communities into ungrateful whiners

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:22 am

So when exactly did Crytek say anything about Dx11? It was never mentioned by the Crytek team, or on the website.

They lied about nothing. The game has a few bugs online, and some weird glitches, but HEADS UP: EVERY PC GAME DOES AT LAUNCH. Its the nature of our platform. Every PC is different so it just happens.

The game is the best looking game. If your so eager to put your DX11 card to work go boot up the uniengine benchmark.

I dont know if you havent been up to day to whats been happening or are lucky that your game didnt have any problems. Firstly, Crysis 1 was superior. If you played crysis 1 you would know what im talking about, It had everything crysis fans loved and enjoyed. From having fist to having the mighty sandbox editor. Crysis 2 was rushed. Any idiot can see that. Crysis 2, They ported it to consoles why? Well why do you think they didnt continue the story line of crysis 1? New urban jungle environment? Please I could make an excuse like that.
Look at the ps3 and xbox, the game is perfect, no problems well minor. PC, Connecting issues, Single player issue multiplayer issues, ranks reseting or roll back and the list grows.
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:29 am

If you played crysis 1 you would know what im talking about, It had everything crysis fans loved and enjoyed
Given that it was the 1st game there would hardly be stuff Crysis fans didnt love and enjoy. Moot point, If you know what im talking about
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RUby DIaz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:22 am

yould u be happy to run it under dx8 ?
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x a million...
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 pm

I played the hell out of Crysis 1, Warhead, and Wars. Wars averaged about 100 people online at once throughout its existence. Nobody played except on the TIA server (and one or two power struggle servers). Online was tacked onto a single player game. It was not focused or as fun as Crysis 2.

Crysis 1 had more foliage, thats it when you compare it to Crysis 2. Crysis 2's lighting, shadows, animations, models, etc are all superior....Wait a second what am I doing? Ive argued with walls enough on this forum. There is no convincing anyone online of anything becides their own view, so Ill simply say dont play it if you are unhappy with it.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:19 pm

I played the hell out of Crysis 1, Warhead, and Wars. Wars averaged about 100 people online at once throughout its existence. Nobody played except on the TIA server (and one or two power struggle servers). Online was tacked onto a single player game. It was not focused or as fun as Crysis 2.

Crysis 1 had more foliage, thats it when you compare it to Crysis 2. Crysis 2's lighting, shadows, animations, models, etc are all superior....Wait a second what am I doing? Ive argued with walls enough on this forum. There is no convincing anyone online of anything becides their own view, so Ill simply say dont play it if you are unhappy with it.

true dat
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Miss K
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:41 am

"...we only play COD!".
Right, because enjoying Crysis 2 is linked directly to enjoying CoD. I despise CoD so much. The campaign is decent, but the multiplayer is horrible. Plus, Infinity Ward is so bad at map design.

And yet I enjoy Crysis 2. So much.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:43 am

You guys are totally not true Crytek or Crysis fans. Leave now.

Crytek never lied. FYI, the game isn't even done. Why is that? Because EA, who CONTROLS the release date, did not let Crytek have enough time. There was not enough time to just finish up, there were too many things to do. Not to mention the leak **** them up a bit.

We are STILL getting DX11, advanced user options, getting the bugs fixed, and etc. etc. The game needs to be finished through patches. This is the same case with DA2 (but not as serious) and Warhead (sort of....that whole no 64bit version deal... >_>)
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:15 am

I've kinda lost my faith in Crytek's ability to make games pushing the boundaries of technology. For me, the creators of Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 aren't quite the same.

I will hesitate to buy Crysis 3 or the expansion pack, if they come out. I will first look at reviews and community reaction, so yeah, no pre-order for Crytek anymore.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:45 am

LOL people are actually blaming Crytek

Cryteks schedule is pushed by EA now. and what's that? oh yea, they will release a Dx11 Patch sometime in the near future. Stop crying on the forums, and wait for the fixes to be released. Why is everyone so impatient all the time.
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:21 am

Not everything is about EA and their release dates.

For example, the texture quality has NOTHING to do with the release date limitation. It actually takes LONGER TIME to take high-res pictures and scale them down to fit. So Crytek actually used more time making the graphics worse, kinda.

So yeah, some things wouldn't be EA's fault.
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:13 am

Crytek took up with EA, so yes it's their fault. They chose the wrong folks to alliance with, EA has been destroying games for years.. and they'll continue to do so for many more years to come. This is absolutely unacceptable. The MP flat out does not work for the majority, the minority that can play are plagued with bugs. Would've been fine if it had a 20hr+ SP, but it doesn't.. it's 6hr TOPS on highest difficulty and that's going slow looking for collectables. Tried a refund through Steam, they just ignored my ticket until it auto-closed so no go there. Complete damn waste of money. It's an absolute shame too as the game is incredible. The game needed another month of development, period.

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George PUluse
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:30 am

PLS guys seriously EA wants that Crytek release Crysis 2 not Crytek itself i know that because of that i know a person who works for crytek and seriously ive talked to him why the game is so bad and he just say " ITS UNFINISHED " and he also says that they woking really hard to solve the release problems ! so pls shut up and play campain on hard o something else dont play easy mode and run trough that game . You need to watch the awesome looklike fo an diect x9 game the grafiks are awesome ! and if you finisched the campain there is a new patch to fix the multiplayer , maybe they will give us an editor in the next few weeks so pls just wait !
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Kari Depp
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:39 pm

Its sad that Crytek has conformed to this console-y style of release that says launch-day patches are acceptable. Back in the day, companies would release finished and polished games, not patch them at damn launch. MP is a joke, and while the SP campaign is ncie, its way too less Crysis to actually be worth the money I paid for this game.
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:30 pm

The game's fixed. What are you still biching about?

Oh, probably DX11. Back in my day, we didn't care what version of DX the game ran on. We just cared that the game ran.
Gee, that's nice. I didn't know I could suddenly play MP. Oh, wait, I still can't.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:32 am

PLS guys seriously EA wants that Crytek release Crysis 2 not Crytek itself i know that because of that i know a person who works for crytek and seriously ive talked to him why the game is so bad and he just say " ITS UNFINISHED " and he also says that they woking really hard to solve the release problems ! so pls shut up and play campain on hard o something else dont play easy mode and run trough that game . You need to watch the awesome looklike fo an diect x9 game the grafiks are awesome ! and if you finisched the campain there is a new patch to fix the multiplayer , maybe they will give us an editor in the next few weeks so pls just wait !
No **** it's unfinished, but again they're the ones who took up with EA. EA rushes releases, ALL THE DAMN TIME. Any development company not aware of this before joining up with EA are full blown IDIOTS.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:53 am

I say blame little kids who's parents dont seem to see the age limit on games. EA works for kids of age 10-14. Thats my view on ea
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