» Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:22 am
So when exactly did Crytek say anything about Dx11? It was never mentioned by the Crytek team, or on the website.
They lied about nothing. The game has a few bugs online, and some weird glitches, but HEADS UP: EVERY PC GAME DOES AT LAUNCH. Its the nature of our platform. Every PC is different so it just happens.
The game is the best looking game. If your so eager to put your DX11 card to work go boot up the uniengine benchmark.
I dont know if you havent been up to day to whats been happening or are lucky that your game didnt have any problems. Firstly, Crysis 1 was superior. If you played crysis 1 you would know what im talking about, It had everything crysis fans loved and enjoyed. From having fist to having the mighty sandbox editor. Crysis 2 was rushed. Any idiot can see that. Crysis 2, They ported it to consoles why? Well why do you think they didnt continue the story line of crysis 1? New urban jungle environment? Please I could make an excuse like that.
Look at the ps3 and xbox, the game is perfect, no problems well minor. PC, Connecting issues, Single player issue multiplayer issues, ranks reseting or roll back and the list grows.