Lonesome Road and it's stuff.

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:26 am

Just because the LAER made me really unhappy, and EW in general have been put down. In a technological graveyard, the only Energy rifle had too low HP to be used in heavy combat.
I decided to make a friendly poll. The explosives was included because other than Gas Bombs, Demo Charges, and Fire Bombs that's all the new Explosives :( I mean, there could have been some kinda awesome explosive weapon in OWB, but instead there wasn't a single Explosive weapon. As for Heavy armour, even though I don't like nor use it I've realised that there hasn't been any thing new!

I'm not asking for there to be each and every single weapon type as it'd break lore or what ever, I mean we're not going to see some high-tech fire-cannon in HH, but it'd be nice to see wider range of them.
The wiki says that Big Mt research projects took place there so hopefully LR will have a sweet Energy rifle that it's useful!
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:40 am

You mean like the Holorifle? :P
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:24 am

You mean like the Holorifle? :P

Yeah, but the Holorifle is the Holorifle, that's about it! It's like the only EW that can really do damage,
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:09 pm

You don't like the LAER?

I think it owns with my EW character.

I like the fact that it uses MF cells, but the shots aren't as slow moving as the multiplaz.

I used it with meltdown on that group of NCP defectors in the vikki and vance, and one shot killed the entire group.

There were pieces everywhere.

It was awesome.

Edit: way to make a fair, ballanced, and unbiased poll...
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m Gardner
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:31 am

maybe we could have gotten some uniques that were WORTH keeping nlot saying fido is bad trully but i mean maybe somebodys pet project of pa or at least some ews that dont svck so much or have better stats
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Emilie M
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:09 am

But I do agree...more Energy Weapons...Explosives(!)...and heavy armor (with or without power armor) would be useful. We've had a glut of melee weapons (Cosmic Knife, Cosmic Knife Spear, War Club, Proton Axe, Proton Inversal Axe), as well as Unarmed weapons (Bear Trap Fist, Yao Guai Gauntlet, Saturnite Fist, many scientist gloves), not to mention the variations on the Saturnite stuff. Dead Money had exclusively light armor. Honest Hearts and OWB had light and medium. But as far as energy weapons? Holorifle. Compliance Regulator. LAER. The jury-rigged tesla cannon. Theoretically, there's the Sonic Emitter, but that doesn't do much for me. But enough with unarmed! And no more ballistic weapons! I want booms and lasers!
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Setal Vara
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:10 am

maybe we could have gotten some uniques that were WORTH keeping nlot saying fido is bad trully but i mean maybe somebodys pet project of pa or at least some ews that dont svck so much or have better stats

Wat. I can barely understand this. Heeey...you could just mod some power armors into Old World Blues! Or console command them!
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:36 am

You don't like the LAER?

I think it owns with my EW character.

I like the fact that it uses MF cells, but the shots aren't as slow moving as the multiplaz.

I used it with meltdown on that group of NCP defectors in the vikki and vance, and one shot killed the entire group.

There were pieces everywhere.

It was awesome.

Edit: way to make a fair, ballanced, and unbiased poll...

Lol, I don't like the LAER because of It's low hp! That's it! The only thing I don't like a bout it is the HP!
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:17 am

Lol, I don't like the LAER because of It's low hp! That's it! The only thing I don't like a bout it is the HP!

Use weapon repair kits the appliances give you every thing to make them. Or if you have the code for the vending machine. They are not that hard to come by.
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naome duncan
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:47 am

Yeah, there's a few to be found around the Big MT.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:05 am

Use weapon repair kits the appliances give you every thing to make them. Or if you have the code for the vending machine. They are not that hard to come by.

Man, it's so exciting to repair that weapon every 10 shots...
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:21 am

I agree, the LAER's HP is low, but it's still very good. IMO Lonesome Road will be a mix of all like they try to do with every DLC.
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:02 am

I agree, the LAER's HP is low, but it's still very good. IMO Lonesome Road will be a mix of all like they try to do with every DLC.

They should stop trying and actually Do It!
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:16 am

wait..wha?...I can understand EW, but...Explosives? look, im the kind of guy whos into the boom booms (hell my main build is all focused on amping explosives and accuracy and splash damage) but uh..what's the point in adding something that already has all you need?..think about it:

Annabelle:long range sniping with a powerful huge AoE missile with barely any spread

FatMan:nuff said

C-4: great explosive that you can set off whenever you want to :o

frag mines and grenades:not much, but with demo expert at rank 3, and all explosive buffs, these sort-of common weapons become deadly themselves.

dynamite:lulz on its own, even with max buffs, its only decent on killing low-level enemies, like fiends or raiders, but with the timed explosives, you can still have fun and creativity with it.

plasma mines and grenades: OH CMON!! do I really need to explain something like this?!! its plasma for crying out loud: plasma=big bang for your buck -_-

Pulse grenades and Mines: lulz, umadrobots?

Mercy:again, nuff said.

Bottlecap Mines: making Deathclaws fly in the air, and sending Dogmeat into the stratosphere since Fallout 3 (cwutididthar?)

this is all that just basically came out of my head, as their is a few more weapons that revolve around explosives that I forgotten (which means they werent good to me lol) all in all, why want more when all of your explosive areas have been succeeded? whats their to accomplish then? :/
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cheryl wright
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:50 am

Cryo grenades and mines. Toxic gas. Smoke bombs. Acid. Sticky. Yup. Explosives has done aaaaall it can.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:50 am

Explosives basically got it's answer when the Grunt perk was added, allowing players to see massive increases in their Explosives damage. Sure you can add more but the problem with PA and EW is that there's rarely ever a moment that they can compete with Light Armor or Guns. Anything they would add to Explosives now is all just for fun since they're balanced now.

Thump-Thump + Grunt + Demolition Expert x3 + Heave Ho!
Good game.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:10 pm

I prefer guns and I hope they add an Ak-47, SCAR, or AR-15. A few more shotguns would also be nice, since they have been neglected in the previous DLC... :spotted owl: :obliviongate:
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:12 pm

They should stop trying and actually Do It!

I'd rather not have some weapon forced just to make it fair. Because that weapon will be very cruddy.
I'm looking for quality over quantity here.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:02 am

Cryo grenades and mines. Toxic gas. Smoke bombs. Acid. Sticky. Yup. Explosives has done aaaaall it can.

LULZ your a spoiled one, arent you?

Cryo Mines and grenades: already seen them ina ction in F3, not that great overall, since most explosives already cripple enemies after a few hits or just ONE hit.

Toxic Gas: uhhh Inc. grenades already do this, chipping at their health slowly and surely.

Smoke bombs: absolutely useless in a game where enemies already get an alert signal when they feel something hit their ankle, or hear the pitter-patter sound of metal hitting the ground :/ the only positives i see in this is if it dropped an enemies perception to a 0, and knocked them out a bit, but..why do that, when you can just roll in a grenade, and lead them to a Bottlecap mine? derp?

Acid: useless again, Inc. grenades do this, umad?

Sticky:...wtf is the point in this? AT ALL?!! VATS already lands most of your grenades, missiles, and MININUKES dead on the target, killing them, or satisfying the user, I mean seriously! whats the point in this??!

like I said before: Explosives already satisfies all areas in combat situations, what the frak is the point in adding more useless crap?

@longknife dont forget quickdraw and rapid reload, your then making most guns look like an embarassment with Thump-Thump.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:00 am

I can care less if any weapons are in LR. Im far more interested in what Ulysses knows about the divide. I have enough weapons for 15 followers if I could get that many.

PA saved me alot of money in OWB, because of its high hp. The 30 dt of t45d, and Enclave helmet saved a good deal of damage from getting through overall as well. I wore that stealth suit mkll out a few times, and it was shredded in no time. Pa though not strong enough is still the best armor in fo nv IMO, because it takes a lot to degrade it, plus it shrugs off many weapon types with little damage taken by the wearer.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:32 am

Wat. I can barely understand this. Heeey...you could just mod some power armors into Old World Blues! Or console command them!

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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:44 am

A Knockout gas type Grenade would be cool.....but it would be so OP.....

"OMG a pack of death claws"

*Tosses Sleep Nade

"OMG a pack of sleeping Death Claws let me Punch it to death"
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:45 am

A Knockout gas type Grenade would be cool.....but it would be so OP.....

"OMG a pack of death claws"

*Tosses Sleep Nade

"OMG a pack of sleeping Death Claws let me Punch it to death"

this, exactly, I want a challenge, not a completely boring game :/
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:53 am


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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:08 am

You mean like the Holorifle? :P

what is with everybody and the holorifle? i cant stand that thing and a prefer the gauss rifle (not the YCS) overall.

but anyway i dont really see EW getting much in LR just because it doesnt seem like its going to be that kind of DLC, other than that like EW i just hate how the ash piles dont go away :stare:
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