Can anyone write down everything he said in the holotapes here?
Im pretty decent in understanding english and all ( not native speaker ) ,but listening and understanding it is hard for me.
'Big Empty, there's something hidden there. A crater, past wind and sand, so deep in the desert. There's no turning back. Finding the crater was an accident, was following the weather patterns, the Divide sky torn like that, mans violence, not natures. That violence in the sky had a source, tracked it like following a river current. Left the colors to mark my way, like always, case someone finds them, learns the patterns. The Courier might. But I thought sand and wind would never end. Came to the Crater, and there, there was an Old World facility. A weather station at the edge, still raking the sky with electricity and generators. And beyond it, saw the rest of the Old World Hell there, all carved up like garden plots. Had to see what was there, couldnt leave it be. Things sleep in the Big Empty. The Brotherhood woke them up, can't move quiet any more than the Two Headed Bear can. And when they woke up, it was like all of history waking up at once. Almost didnt make it out, almost. Left with answers I never intended.'
(There MIGHT be a few slip ups, but I tried as best I could

Edit: Ninja'd :sadvaultboy: