Alright this has gotten annoying. It seems like Bethseda/Obsidian have just given up on FNV with the DLCs, they took more then a month to release their first DLC then another two months to release their second, then took three months to release their third compared to two months with Broken Steel (Fallout 3 comparison), and then two months more before FNV got another DLC finally more, this whole time Fallout 3 got three DLCs two summers back, the last 3 had the most content too. So I say whoever creates the DLCs needs to pick their Sh** up cause this is getting annoying, and Im loosing almost all intrest in this game.
(Old World Blues compared to Broken Steel is close to no content.)
Patriarch don't lock this post for no reason the other one is crowded, that's why I made another.