Hey, gabe, long time no see, I really missed you rants, you didnt changed at all :spotted owl:
Also did you compared HH and OWB with MZ?,
Nope, I dont see any similarities, MZ doesnt have even a plot, and it wasn even funny, you are just trying too hard
It did have a plot.
And what I mean is: that both DLC's sacrifices choices, NPC interaction and story for exploration. A lot of us complained about the linear killfests while ignoring HH's and OWB's Killfests. Hell, HH even has a long ass canyon that
is linear FPS'ing. Instead of following Dead Money's pattern where what you do actually matter in the long run they just send you off on fetch quests. Just like MZ did.
HH, OWB and MZ had mindless exploration that were the selling point, not the story. (How good a quality each story had is not the point.) OWB even jokes about it and goes "You know what? Just go explore, I know you want to."
They all had fetch quests were you just went somewhere to get or kill X, no big story development or anything, just go disarm some bear traps, go kill some generators, or go get some suit parts.
MZ had ridiculous enemies, and so did OWB.
MZ had a linear story, so did HH up until the very end.
MZ and and OWB both share the epic cool awesomeness loot, HH, not so much.
MZ and OWB both had bullet sponges, and actually, HH's White Leg's were strangely durable.
No similarities? You jesting now right?
Actually, if you have the three companions in MZ follow you, Paulson, Elliot and... Some girl... Then the NPC interaction is superior to HH and OWB.