Lonesome Road - Story and Design Speculation

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:28 pm

So, since there are a bunch of threads speculating on when it's coming out, I thought I'll start a new one discussing that the actual design of the DLC might be.

I posted http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1192431-ulysses-hint-in-honest-hearts/page__view__findpost__p__17719233 back in May:
I have a theory about Ulysses, and why he is mentioned at major story points in the main story as well as in each DLC so far. Ulysses is meant to be the "other player character" in the game. He is meant to be another player character wandering the Mojave, and at various locations he makes different decisions and has his own adventures. His choices and actions impact the actual player, because our player character generally visits areas after he has already passed through and made his choices.The difference between the Courier and Ulysses is that Ulysses seems to be aware of the Courier and some of his actions are specifically meant to affect the Courier's adventure directly. Other times his adventure is independent of anything the Courier does, like when he rescues Christine while exploring the Big Empty.

Back in 2009, Chris Avellone gave a talk in Australia about his game design philosophy, and one of the games he highlighted was the cancelled Fallout 3 (Van Buren). His discussion of what he wanted to achieve in that game was pretty interesting. He said that his base concept was that he wanted to create a feel that there were two parties of adventurers out there, and the actions of one would impact the other as they run parallel. To flesh out this idea, he had pen and paper roleplaying sessions with two different groups, made up of the developers from various departments at Black Isles back then. The parties would be playing scenarios which were in the exact same world, but they were not told that their actions would directly impact the other group's experience, and the idea was to see the reactions and behavior from the players when they started to realize what was going on.

I'm pretty sure that the entire Ulysses story arc is basically Avellone trying to experiment on this same concept on a slightly smaller scale. It'll be interesting to see how Lonesome Road plays out, and if Ulysses will reference various things that the player had done throughout the game, and how they affected him if he encountered those places after the player. Just as how the player encountered various people and places after Ulysses had already already interacted with them.


But since then, there has been a lot more information that either directly mentions or teases stuff in Lonesome Road:

- The OWB DLC specifically mentions that Ulysses is luring the Courier into the Divide to give us a message, just like we delivered a message to him in the past.

- Chris Avellone mentioned once on his Twitter that the lonesome road leads to "the past".

- We've had http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/WillOoi/20110623/7848/An_Interview_with_Chris_Avellone__game_designer_writer_and_former_unlucky_schlep.php which says:

I also have a lot of love for Ulysses in Fallout, only because I like the idea of someone hunting my player for reasons of his own, and then hearing the reasons why... and realizing how important even the smallest of my actions are for the people of the wasteland - living or dead.

WO: The identity of the Courier in New Vegas will likely become more fleshed out once we discover why Ulysses refused to deliver the package. How far do you think an RPG should define the player character, and how much should be left open-ended for the player to create through in-game choices and actions? The Courier seems to have a great deal more malleability than the protagonists in the Fallout series thus far, with an almost completely clean slate.

MCA: I feel you should let the player write their own history. When we set up Lonesome Road, we only knew 3-4 things for certain about the player character, and in my opinion, that's enough to build an epic adventure around. More on that to come... or it'll come to the player, one way or the other.

It seems to me that all these details seem to match with my theory about the final DLC. But to take things further, I'll venture to say that it is likely that in following Ulysses into the road to the Divide, the player will begin to have flashbacks at certain points of the DLC to points of his life in the past. This will allow the player to actually roleplay elements of the Courier's past, instead of just seeing it, hence deciding the past of the Courier and in doing so, decide how that ultimately affects his relationship with Ulysses today, from his point of view.

Anyone feels like punching holes in the theory, or providing other evidence to support it? :)
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Emily Martell
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:10 pm

So are you saying that MCA imagined a character named Ulysses and basically "played" through the Mojave and beyond, affecting the player in return? Seems pretty far fetched but certainly not out of the question.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:20 am

I think he meant that Ulysses's background is opposite to ours. That is, if we are good , then he is evil. If we are Legion, then he is a Profligate. I think it is possible, but I am not sure if it is what Avellone had in mind.

Anyway, what do you think is in the Divide? Maybe it is like an unharmed pre-war town which has a library with documents which Ulysses wants.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:44 am

I think he meant that Ulysses's background is opposite to ours. That is, if we are good , then he is evil. If we are Legion, then he is a Profligate. I think it is possible, but I am not sure if it is what Avellone had in mind.

Anyway, what do you think is in the Divide? Maybe it is like an unharmed pre-war town which has a library with documents which Ulysses wants.

I don't mean that he's an opposite. I actually do mean that he is considered another potential player character, but one who has different goals and has explored the various parts of the Mojave (and some DLCs) making different decisions. For example, when the player enters Big MT, you learn about what happened between Ulysses, Christine, and Elijah while they were there. The Courier has no part in that adventure, but learns about the aftermath instead. In the same way, Ulysses has no part in the adventure which happened in Dead Money, but the player did. Christine and Elijah are constants in both cases (Elijah trying to harvest the technology in the location for his own schemes, while Christine is trying to kill him) but the Courier and Ulysses are both variables. They had their own objectives for being in the location, and simply got dragged into the conflict.

In the same way, it is implied that Ulysses has had contact with all the various factions of the Mojave, and he is not particularly impressed by any of them. Just like the player, at different points of time he might have been members of the NCR, or of Legion, or whatever. These choices he made probably largely have nothing to do with the player's decisions. They are simply Ulysses' decisions (as designed by Avellone). But just as the player sees traces of Ulysses as he adventures the Mojave and beyond, surely Ulysses would have seen traces of the player's actions. What you did in the main game in particular, will probably be referenced, since Lonesome Road will be able to do checks on which quests you have completed, and how you completed them, along with your reputation with each major faction. What would Ulysses think of you if you helped the Powder Gangers take over Goodsprings? Would he be impressed or disgusted with your choice of sheriff for Primm? Just as the player is very curious about Ulysses, I'm sure Ulysses has many questions for the player when they meet.

As for my idea of flashbacks, I think it would be a good way for the player to "remember" the Courier's past, and in so roleplay the major decisions in his life which could have led to the personal interest Ulysses has in him. And in terms of what I think will be at the Divide, I think it certainly used to be a town of some sort, before being destroyed by some weather experiment. But I also think the location might hold a deeper meaning, possibly being a place with sentimental value for Ulysses. Avellone mentioned on the last Bethesda Blog post about OWB that he did a lot of research into 50s scifi movies, but The Mole Men was something which was more relevant towards the next DLC. If that's a case, I think he's definitely hinting that people survived the storms of the Divide, but they could have moved underground, since the surface area is not habitable.
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:11 am

Taking evidence from in game dialogue about Ulysses, i guarantee the courier once knew Ulysses. Problem is, after the Courier was robed and shot in the head, he lost a key component, his memory.

This would explain the starting fresh, i guarantee the Courier could shoot a gun before losing his memory, he is in the wasteland after all. While making the courier lose his memory, it allows for a whole new storyline to open up... in this case its what Ulysses has against you... the courier.

I have a feeling that in the past you did something to Ulysses, and he is trying to get payback. What it was is not certain, but it must be something horrible. He is going through alot of trouble to set up your meeting with him.

As you know when you ask how you got the Courier assignment from the Mojave Express manager dude, he says originally there was a different courier that was suppose to take the package, but when he saw your name he walked out, and allowed you to take it.

He was either doing this for 2 reasons.

A) He knew you, and knew you needed caps. You were once a poor man who helped him in some way, so he only wanted to repay you.
B) He knew you where bound to get ambushed, knowing all to much about the package. So he decided to let you get killed, only... you survived.

My guess is the later. I half expected Ulysses to be behind the ambush... then found it was only Benny... but what if Benny was an android...

Haha, jk that's to far out there.

So as i said, most likely something happened between you and Ulysses, and he wants some sort of revenge, but you lost your memory, forgetting everything about your past.

As said before you may have flash backs... you might possibly start re gaining your memory... hey you already spoke to your brain!
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Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:54 pm

I imagine this being a very linear DLC. The Lonesome Road is quite literal. It's a road devoid of people that the Courier walks until Ulysses confronts us. Heavy environmental effects (like Ivanpah Lake and Happy Valley's dust storms) engulf the player as he walks through old world wreckage and wasteland creatures to the final confrontation. A very long Chris Avellone dialogue sequence follows. We learn about the questions he had for Dr. Klein. Then it's a duel to the death.
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