F: NV-- Lonesome Road (the inventory management dlc)

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:49 am

ok, so rockets are cool. I like the red glare, even though I did much better with a sniper rifle (my explosive is only 57)....

but carrying around rockets is super heavy! I have been going slow and finding stuff and selling what I don't need and I seriously have schlepped back to the first commissary and a desk there with my loot like 4 times and I have just found the first item "the de*********" and have not even used it yet.

are people playing this on hardcoe?
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Angel Torres
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:24 am

Not even playing hardcoe and I'm way above where I usually am weight wise the dlc gear is pretty heavy and I'm burning through max charge MF cells and repair kits like candy, explosives and hardcoe don't really mix since the ammo weight is so high especially when it takes about 26 rockets to down a deathclaw.
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Mel E
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:10 pm

not yet, I plan to do this with my DID-Very Hard-hardcoe character, whos a pure Explosive, so this might be a joy ride, since the perks I got boost my DT up to almost 50 or more .-. still..like I said before in the "did you like this DLC" thread, this DLC will kill hardcoe players totally. each Ammo box I come up to has hundreds of microfusion cells, small energy cells, and even electron packs and rockets, which is totally being a pain in the ass, though im glad I got Pack Rat and the rest of those Weight-buffing perks :3
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Kevin Jay
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