» Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:28 pm
The original design documents, if I remember correctly, your character goes into an escape pod that launches into space as you choose two places in the world to get nuked. This would effect a lot of different ending outcomes and made the game interesting, but of course that is the one default ending.
http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Van_Buren you can read about Van Buren and http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Van_Buren_endings#Space_Station_Destroyed.2C_parts_of_the_world_get_nuked You can read about all of the endings.
Its quite interesting though how much it relates to Van Buren, especially the name Ulysses itself and of course the nukes hitting the wasteland, as seen in 1:11 of the trailer. Whether or not the nukes can be launched anywhere is yet to be seen, obviously.