I wish these were available on the same day damn it :swear: I am too impatient to wait for GRA.
I will play on day 1 but i really wish i could walk the Lonesome Road with a Bozar on my back and a Nuka Breaker Sledgehammer in my hands on my first playthrough. :sadvaultboy:
I will TRY to wait, but I doubt I can..being an Explosive character, and seeing an explosive weapon..just..makes me EXPLOSIVE! :mohawk: :flamed: :shocking: :disguise: but after seeing Esther's blast Radius..I wonder..what would happen if you had Splash Damage perk in there..O_O...god help us all :chaos:
Considering how LR will very likely be either delayed for another day or so for Steam and PS3 players (ala Old World Blues) or simply be impossible to download at first (ala Honest Hearts), I strongly reccomend waiting for at least one or two days after the release date before anyone try to buy it, especially if you play on PC and PS3.
Considering how LR will very likely be either delayed for another day or so for Steam and PS3 players (ala Old World Blues) or simply be impossible to download at first (ala Honest Hearts), I strongly reccomend waiting for at least one or two days after the release date before anyone try to buy it, especially if you play on PC and PS3.
It was delayed another day for Steam? Funny, I seem to recall playing it on release day.
I'll likely play on launch day, barring any technical difficulties and just as likely to complete it before the release of GRA and I will further likely start a new character from a previous "Goodsprings Glitch" save if the new set of LR perks warrant a complete overhaul of my stats/perks... =p
I'l wait for GRA, but only because Gears 3 releases the same day. After a week with Gears 3, I'l go back to FONV for LR and GRA, then i'l keep playing NV and Gears 3, until Skyrim.
Definitely going to play as soon as humanly possible. Im gonna hold off on my 2nd playthrough of lr until gra so me and ulysses can have a nuka break :starwars:
Definitely going to play as soon as humanly possible. Im gonna hold off on my 2nd playthrough of lr until gra so me and ulysses can have a nuka break :starwars:
I clicked "Poll is Racist" because I assumed that meant "Other". I'm not going to wait for GRA (one week is too much to bear), but I definitely will play with both on my other characters.
I've been much too busy to play much Fallout for like the last month (going through withdrawals, seriously) so it'll probably be until after GRA comes out until I can play again anyways.