I really coudn't care less about the delayed release of LR. What makes me mad tough, is the way a rightful (yes they're right) anger isn't respected ("you're being childish" blabla...) C'mon guys...
There's a businessman insulting his customers ("you parano?d freaks!"), a few days later, he announce a big annoucement for the next day. Every healty mind could expect at least a release date. The next day he "just drop by to say : we failed but it's not our fault" and "here's a screenshot, aren't we nice guys?" It is unproffessional and disrespectful. Apologies were the least to be expected, but Mr Bergman seems to be unaware of these social conventions ("sorry?..." was his reply to an angry customer rightfully asking for them).
Mr Bergman, it's not because most of them are teenagers that you can treat your customers like kids. I understand "there are lots of factors involved" and some of these do not fall under your direct responsability. A small delay in your product release is totally acceptable, the way you treat customers eager to buy this product is not.
PS : sorry for this approximative english language
he did not say "you paranoid freaks." He was being sarcastic saying "God you guys are paranoid" because a lot of people were talking about the delays. Honestly though, if you guys would stop making JB your scapegoat, you'd have a lot easier times on these forums. You're right, it all boils down to respect, and just because you can't tell the difference between sarcasm/a joke and an insult, doesn't make hin disrespectful. I mean really, calling that an insult is like saying this is an insult: saying your friend needs to seek help because he seems to love cheesebergers too much. Seriously, learn to distinguish between a joke and an insult, and you'll be a lot better off on these forums. As I previously stated, you guys wanted a scapegoat, that comment, along with the assurance that the DLC would be out this month, and the delay, makes Jason Berman the perfect scapegoat for you guys.
And on the note of your "anger not being respected"; it is, just not when a lot of you have a sense of entitlement that comes with it. THAT'S why a lot of the forumites [censored]ing are being called childish, or in my words; spoiled little children.
PS - Oh and have you noticed JB hasn't been on the forums since then? You can all thank yourselves for that one. The ONE guy that comes onto these forums that actually likes talking to the fans, and you make him feel 2 feet tal. WTG guys, Bravo.