I've managed to beat Lonesome Road on two of my characters, but my latest character (who kept Ulysses alive) is just about unplayable, for a few tries the game would freeze if I pulled up my pipboy and if I just started walking it was like none of the npcs would load so if I went were one should be it also froze. Once that was working I fast traveled to The Strip's gate and there was no sound, and when I activated the gate it froze....I really love lonesome road but I'm pretty sure it just killed one of my favorite Characters.
As for my other character I'm just having monsterous framerate issues, but i've had that problem since the latter part of Honest Hearts.
If anyone has any fixes or work arounds, I'd greatly appreciate it.
side note: I blew up both NCR and Legion before leaving with Ulysses, idk if that has anything to do with it but I thought it was worth mentioning. I've also be getting alot of corrupt data files to because of these tech problems.