Actually, if I remember correctly in the reviews about Morrowind before it came out just about everyone went on about how this unique way of character creation was pretty much a "revolution" in RPG's. Instead of the standard RPG character creation method before it. So apparently it did amaze some people (the people whose job it is to review video games and play way way more than I do)
I always thought what Morrowind's opening did do right, and got good reviews for, is that it was so open. Not the short length, but the fact that it really didn't tell you why you were there and just pushed you into the world allowing you to do litterally what ever you wanted to do. I think Morrowind really did nail that. However, I think it could still be better. Oblivion got me to care about the plot and the world I was being involved with, but it was written in such a way that it didn't make sense for the player to not start with the main quest. You didn't have to do the main quest...but the way it was worded and how it told the character what to do next kinda made it feel like you had to do it.
And I didn't care from the get-go it seemed they forced some heroic destiny on you, no matter what your background story was. I mean you start out the game fighting along side the Emperor, for crying out loud, then have to rush out with the amulet to "save the world by finding his son". Now sure, you could put off or completely avoid the MQ, but I found MW's "here take this package to Caius" with no real importance or world saving destiny attached preferable. It's an open RPG. I understand though the attempt to heighten the intensity with this approach in OB.
It was a good attempt to get the player to care about the plot, but the tail end was handled poorly in my opinion. A big reason people didn't like Oblivion's main quest was that it was rush rush rush and always forced at the player. It was a linear story in an open world, that was the big problem there. A better way would have been having the player not know where Jaufre is upon leaving with the amulet, and its his job to find him only knowing he's an old blade and that only old Blade members would know where he is. The only people with any info on Jaufre's location would be the people at Weinnon priory, but if the player never goes to check that place out, after about two ingame weeks a rumor is entered into your log that the Blades are holding a meeting at the priory. Even if you don't go to meet Jaufre at the meeting, the quest log would hold info saying those at Weinnon Priory may have info about him.
That's how I would have written the plot for Obivion. It could leave the feeling that you have no idea which way to go to find this guy, so you might as well start doing other stuff hoping you might happen upon him or someone who knows him.
Everyone has their preferences so they can't please everyone. And I didn't hate OB's tutorial. I just thought it was too long. And yeah, saving at the sewer exit was a "way" to get around it, but the lighting was so terrible it made it difficult (even more so than the 1st character creation screens) to get the look you wanted. You stepped out into the light of day and said, "Yikes! what the heck! He looks terrible." Just give an option to skip would be so much appreciated, I think. Especially with someone like me with Alt-itis. I never finished OB, but made approx. 40-50 characters (and that's probably a conservative number) by the time I quit playing for another game.
Either way, I will play Skyrim for hours and hours like I did the previous games.
The killing of goblins did go on to long, and there was no variety to the opening. That was the main problem Oblivion's opening had. Now that we dont' need so much killing for an npc to then take a guess at what class we are, since classes are no more. With no need for so much fighting, Skyrim's opening is pretty much shorter by default.
Fallout 3's intro was long...but there were so many different ways to do things that I enjoyed playing it many times. I think the best option is just that, to add more variety to the opening. It wont feel long if you have a fun time exploring different paths each time you play it. Oblivion's felt long because no matter if you were good, evil, a swordsman, a mace lover, or a magic all played the same till you got outside. Once you got outside thats when things branched off and started to feel different. Oblivion you had to follow a set path no matter who you were, and that's not good for an open world game.
I think that's why many people like Morrowind's opening, it didn't feel as if you were being forced down a set path, because that set path lead from a boat to a building, and then out the building and you were more or less done. In my mind, an opening in an open world game can be long and amazing, and get the player's mouth to open in amazement, while also allowoing for different paths to be followed so its interesting, and more form fit to each different character you make. That's the kind of opening I want to see.
Finally, someone actually expressing their opinion! Thank the gods!
B...but I...
Fallout: New Vegas did a good job by only forcing you to go through chargen. After that you had a quest for your tutorial.
I think out of all the games from Morrowind to NV, I think NV's opening was the worst. The first look you got at the world was of a boring ghost town with mountains blocking your view on the other side of the town. You couldn't really see how amazing the world looked till you went to visit your grave up ontop of the hill. The doc's house should have been on that hill, and the door should have been facing Vegas.
And as for the skippable tutorial, it seemed all rather pointless. It helps the new players of course and it did a good job with that, but there should also be a want to do the tutorial on the second or third playthrough. It should be fun to play, with different ways to play it along with different outcomes based on how you play. It felt less like a quest, and more like something slapped on at the last second to help new players. They should have put more time into it to give it a more unique feel.