A long loyal Elder Scrolls Fan, A message to the Devs.

Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:42 am

If any developers or Moderators read this, I hope you know this comes straight from my heart. And that if its early enough, you can take what I say into consideration.
(I played Morrowind more than any other Elder Scrolls therefore I'll be using that as examples)

Following the the Elder Scrolls Skyrim, I hope I see you all doing your best to make this your next best gem.

I urge you to make a truly great Elder Scrolls game, dare yourselves to push your own limit and beat your past accomplishments, and make Skyrim the new gem of the Elder Scrolls series. To many times in the past 5 years I've seen 1 crap game after another come out, where the developers put very little effort into everything that makes a game great, but I still have hope in Bethesda.

When creating Skyrim, The world, the story, the mechanics, dont forget to also make the world itself feel real and alive. Give the game atmosphere, let the world breath as though it is real. Nothing should feel like a set.

Make every mine, cave, ruin, etc. different, throw in hidden areas like in Morrowind. Going in 1 cave was never the same as another. It felt as though every building, town, area was lived in for centuries. Never knowing what to expect around the corner. Or who occupies the cave. Sometimes going into a cave and finding slavers, and being able to talk and communicate with them, not just being attacked on site. Sometimes finding an Abondoned Druid Alter deep in another cave with offerings still fresh as though someone had just been there. There were so many countless things to explore and do. Perhaps I'm exploring along a rocky coast, and I come up across a beached ship, I decide naturally to explore it, find cargo, pick whatever I need or want, and lock pick the captains door. Inside I find a skeleton with a book across its lap, picking up the book, I begin reading, its about the voyage, what happend, why it beached and the tragedy that befell the crew. The immersion, realism, and atmosphere in Morrowind was to this degree, and I urge you not to forget this in Skyrim.

And we must not forget about quests. Atmosphere may be the bread, but quests are the butter that makes it worthwhile. Again reffering to your gem that is Morrowind. A game I still play to this day; Quests in Morrowind, unlike Oblivion, could be complete in more ways than one. Sometimes up to 5 different ways or more if you really broadened your mind to it. They also were not revolved around the player, but around the world itself. Oblivion felt like all the quests were made specifically for me. This isnt realistic and broke the immersion of the RPG factor that truly made past Elder Scrolls great.

Again for quests, in Morrowind everything was there... if someone talked about needing or wanting a deed to a piece of land, it was already there, SOMEWHERE in the world. Someplace even if I didnt have the quest triggered, was there. This again made the immersion and realism all that much more, and added to the RPG factor. If I needed to get a land deed from an old lady, I knew it was SOMEWHERE in her house.. perhaps I could look for it? perhaps its in a locked chest? or I could do the quest for her and help her out, and that quest had more than 1 way to complete it or go about it. Every quest had more than 1 way to complete it, allowing me to do it how I want, and how my character would do it.

Guilds and Houses in Morrowind were also intrigueing and in depth. The story of how some of them intertwined. Even the hidden assassins guild that you only know about if you happen to stumble across it in a very awkward and un expected area. A guild that rewards me and makes me a member for finding it. Again just heightening the immersion of the game that much more.

I urge you, please do not forget the meaning of an RPG. An open ended world where anything is possible if I can think it up. Where the world feels lived in and real, and the atmosphere and personality of the world itself is true to what it should be.

This request is not even touching on the fact I want to be able to wear every piece of armor. Chest, Pauldrons, Gauntlets, legs, feet, helmet all seperately. To have more than 1 look copy and pasted with a different mesh, and to bring back the wide variety of weapons that were in Morrowind. Staves, magic staves, crossbows, long bows, short bows, daggers, short swords, long swords, 2 handed swords, 2 handed axes, 1 handed axes, Spears, Halberds, maces, Hammers, and the like. All looking different, all looking to match their type *silverite, Iron, etc.* And there being a very wide variety of it all.

Strive to make Skyrim the next best thing to hit the gaming world. Pretty graphics with lots of action wont cut it, to truly make it gem and make the fans and create new fans, you must have everything else first. Atmosphere, open ended world, open ended quests, and everything else mentioned above. That is what makes gamers become fans, and what makes the fans come back again and again for years to come.
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Joanne Crump
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:26 am

I completely agree Oblivion was awesome!
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:34 pm

I f you were a true fan you would know that in fact Oblivion was not a flop and all this is is a glorified ''oblivion hate'' thread.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:33 pm

Skryim is not being based on Oblivion - or Morrowind. Bethesda is striving to create another unique entry to the Elder Scrolls universe.

Bethesda is striving to create the best game, and world within that game, for the "now."

This includes unique dungeons with puzzles, designed by several artists rather than a single, like in Oblivion.

Bethesda is also striving to create a more immersive and life-like world. Everything from the art, to unique environments, to the way villagers react to your presence, to the industry and purpose in towns, is being improved.

Skyrim will include a faction system similar to Fallout: New Vegas, which will bring back many of the "guild" style quests you were hoping for.

Spend a few weeks on the forum. Read the disccusions, sift through the confirmed information, and discuss. It'll go a long way towards realizing what you want in Skyrim, without pissing off to many members.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:53 am

I don't think you have to worry. Skyrim, from what we've seen so far, looks to be much more complex than Oblivion, or even, dare I say it, Morrowind.

I mean, look at the Radiant Story thing. If that is all it's cracked up to be, then open ended quests galore.
As for separate pauldrons, that has been all but confirmed.
Weapon diversity could be a problem, but no info has been released about that yet, so it's too soon to tell.

I appreciate your post, as I feel much the same way, but do you really think that if they have already screwed up the game that badly, they'll be able to fix it in seven months?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:02 pm

Stopped reading after "Oblivion was a flop". I'm pretty sure the reason why TES is such a beloved series and why its not destined for obscurity is Oblivion. Oblvion is what introduced many, many fans to TES. Morrowind was great, but OB is a tad better on my scale. There's no doubt in my mind that Beth will make Skyrim a game that unites the bickering fans of the last two games.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:49 am

Stopped reading after "Oblivion was a flop". I'm pretty sure the reason why TES is such a beloved series and why its not destined for obscurity is Oblivion. Oblvion is what introduced many, many fans to TES. Morrowind was great, but OB is a tad better on my scale. There's no doubt in my mind that Beth will make Skyrim a game that unites the bickering fans of the last two games.

I'd suggest to keep reading then. I explain why Oblivion was a flop. Just because it brought many to the world of Elder Scrolls does not mean it was advanced from its predecessors. Oblivion was backwards in everyway shape and form except graphics. If you truly want to disagree with me, Send me a PM and I'll explain why and how in so many ways it'll make your head spin.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:43 am

I'd suggest to keep reading then. I explain why Oblivion was a flop. Just because it brought many to the world of Elder Scrolls does not mean it was advanced from its predecessors. Oblivion was backwards in everyway shape and form except graphics. If you truly want to disagree with me, Send me a PM and I'll explain why and how in so many ways it'll make your head spin.

Your late to the party - the Morrowind vs Oblivion war has been beaten to death on this forum. We've all heard the arguments that each group makes, and neither of them are right or wrong. Each person can have they're own opinion, and they're opinion may be that *your* opinion is wrong, instead.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:13 pm


I'd rather have a game more like Skyrim. Not like Obivion. Definitly not like Morrowind. I want Skyrim. I plan on getting Skyrim. I plan on loving Skyrim.


If I had to choose, I'd take Oblivion over Morrowind any day. Really. I would. Morrowind drives me up the praverbial wall whenever I play it now, because Oblivion was just that good. I can't stand it anymore. It's that horrilbe. Every aspect, from the directions that send me south when I should be heading West West South, to the combat system that allows for human error along with some dice that say I miss. Not to mention the ai that doesn't bother to move, or visit their own bloody homes. Or the combat that is pretty much riddled with exploits you can't help but run into.

Cliff. Flipping. Racers.

My point? Its a game. Every bit of it is opinion. I seriously wonder how people can even compare two games together, really, its beyond me. Every inch of their comparison is opinions. You either liked the game, or you didnt. Its fine with me if you loved Morrowind and hated Obivion. I really don't care. But trying to pass this Morrowind is the god game opinion as fact is really really really starting to grind my gears.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:47 am

I think you forgot the part where your single opinion on the game does not define it's empirical status.

Skyrim will be it's own game. This is ust an The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is the greatest game in the history of the universe. thread.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:14 am


I'd rather have a game more like Skyrim. Not like Obivion. Definitly not like Morrowind. I want Skyrim. I plan on getting Skyrim. I plan on loving Skyrim.


If I had to choose, I'd take Oblivion over Morrowind any day. Really. I would. Morrowind drives me up the praverbial wall whenever I play it now, because Oblivion was just that good. I can't stand it anymore. It's that horrilbe. Every aspect, from the directions that send me south when I should be heading West West South, to the combat system that allows for human error along with some dice that say I miss. Not to mention the ai that doesn't bother to move, or visit their own bloody homes. Or the combat that is pretty much riddled with exploits you can't help but run into.

Cliff. Flipping. Racers.

My point? Its a game. Every bit of it is opinion. I seriously wonder how people can even compare two games together, really, its beyond me. Every inch of their comparison is opinions. You either liked the game, or you didnt. Its fine with me if you loved Morrowind and hated Obivion. I really don't care. But trying to pass this Morrowind is the god game opinion as fact is really really really starting to grind my gears.

I think that people are still upset that the Elder Scrolls IV wasnt Morrowind 2.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:42 pm

I don't think you have to worry. Skyrim, from what we've seen so far, looks to be much more complex than Oblivion, or even, dare I say it, Morrowind.

I mean, look at the Radiant Story thing. If that is all it's cracked up to be, then open ended quests galore.
As for separate pauldrons, that has been all but confirmed.
Weapon diversity could be a problem, but no info has been released about that yet, so it's too soon to tell.

I appreciate your post, as I feel much the same way, but do you really think that if they have already screwed up the game that badly, they'll be able to fix it in seven months?

yes. I have been following Skyrim and it seems they ARE trying to make this the next gem. I truly do believe they will. I just wanted to write this post to remind them.. what makes Elder Scrolls great. Sometimes developers need to be set straight or have a little reminder by its fans.

Skryim is not being based on Oblivion - or Morrowind. Bethesda is striving to create another unique entry to the Elder Scrolls universe.

Bethesda is striving to create the best game, and world within that game, for the "now."

This includes unique dungeons with puzzles, designed by several artists rather than a single, like in Oblivion.

Bethesda is also striving to create a more immersive and life-like world. Everything from the art, to unique environments, to the way villagers react to your presence, to the industry and purpose in towns, is being improved.

Skyrim will include a faction system similar to Fallout: New Vegas, which will bring back many of the "guild" style quests you were hoping for.

Spend a few weeks on the forum. Read the disccusions, sift through the confirmed information, and discuss. It'll go a long way towards realizing what you want in Skyrim, without pissing off to many members.

I do hope they do all these things to the degree they state. I wasnt born yesterday, sometimes, and often times to often. Developers will say one thing, but you realize its not what they cracked it up to be.

I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to speak out the truth of what makes a game great. Something many gamers themselves have forgotten themselves. I'm not here to be forumatically(politically correct in the forum sense) correct, or to go with the flow. As that will lead to where games are now.. Simplified to the point where its virtually mindless and repetitive. Something I already see the developers are trying to get away from. Which makes my heart skip a beat in joy.

Your late to the party - the Morrowind vs Oblivion war has been beaten to death on this forum. We've all heard the arguments that each group makes, and neither of them are right or wrong. Each person can have they're own opinion, and they're own opinion can be that *your* opinion is wrong.

This sort of comment is a fast track to a flame fight.

I'm not here to nay say. Just give my 2 cents that more is better to sum it all up. I know all about the flame war, i'm not here for that. I've yet to hear a proper defense for Oblivion besides "I like it" to sum it all up of anything they say. But again, I'm not here to start a flame war, nor is that what I want.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:21 pm

I think that people are still upset that the Elder Scrolls IV wasnt Morrowind 2.

You hit the nail on the head. I enjoyed some features of Morrowind more than Oblivion, but I like them both almost equally, just for different reasons.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:00 am

Oblivion was a flop?
Oh, so thats why it won Game of The year and have earned Bethesda many loyal fans that didnt know about the series before Oblivio. Oh yes, a game that have earned Bethesda millions. Yeah. Can't call it anything other than, yeah, a flop, right?

Actually, if you compare Morrowind to Oblivion, Oblivion has had more succes. None is a flop, but Oblivion is in the end the most succedful one. Sure it has its flaws, but to call it a flop? No way.
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:47 pm

Ok to put it bluntly so people dont think i'm an all oblivion hater.

I was pointing out the lack of proper atmosphere in oblivion compared to morrowind. Things didnt feel LIVED in like in Morrowind, etc. The Atmosphere and personality of it all was lacking heavily. The combat system was better.. it was newer, no i'm not saying to make it dice roll along with human error like Morrowind. That was an older mechanic that was changed for the better.

I am simply talking about making Skyrim feel REAL which I dont think anyone should argue against. You buy Skyrim to play in Skyrim, to feel Skyrim and its inhabitants, to not feel like the world revolves around you, but you are exploring and making your history in the world of Skyrim. But to do this, you need Atmosphere, personality to your world, to make it feel lived in, to make it feel real.
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stevie trent
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:50 am

I'd suggest to keep reading then. I explain why Oblivion was a flop. Just because it brought many to the world of Elder Scrolls does not mean it was advanced from its predecessors. Oblivion was backwards in everyway shape and form except graphics. If you truly want to disagree with me, Send me a PM and I'll explain why and how in so many ways it'll make your head spin.

You have your opinions, i have mine. I really don't feel like getting into another pissing contest, thank you.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:19 am

I'm not here to nay say. Just give my 2 cents that more is better to sum it all up. I know all about the flame war, i'm not here for that. I've yet to hear a proper defense for Oblivion besides "I like it" to sum it all up of anything they say. But again, I'm not here to start a flame war, nor is that what I want.

The thing is, you're here in the Skyrim board to say Morrowind was the best thing that happened to The Elder Scrolls, and you'll break bones if Skyrim is similar to Oblivion instead - and your asking people to defend Oblivion in the same thread. There isn't a tree big enough to hide the "Oblivion vs Morrowind" in this thread.

You've ranted about developers needing to hear from the fans about they're mistakes - Bethesda isn't going to be coming to the Skyrim board to read why Morrowind was better than Oblivion tonight, thats a good bet.

The best way to get you're point out is to occasionally start discussions of what you'd like to see.

"Candles, I liked the candles that we saw in Morrowind, they added to the immersion of the game, ect ect ect."
Most people will stop in and say "Hey, thats a great idea!"

For the record, I could PM you a list of why I loved Morrowind more than Oblivion, too, and we'd have a 2 day celebration of the game. But its only a list of why I loved it, not why the game was matter-of-fact better than Oblivion.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:42 am

Ok to put it bluntly so people dont think i'm an all oblivion hater.

I was pointing out the lack of proper atmosphere in oblivion compared to morrowind. Things didnt feel LIVED in like in Morrowind, etc. The Atmosphere and personality of it all was lacking heavily. The combat system was better.. it was newer, no i'm not saying to make it dice roll along with human error like Morrowind. That was an older mechanic that was changed for the better.

I am simply talking about making Skyrim feel REAL which I dont think anyone should argue against. You buy Skyrim to play in Skyrim, to feel Skyrim and its inhabitants, to not feel like the world revolves around you, but you are exploring and making your history in the world of Skyrim. But to do this, you need Atmosphere, personality to your world, to make it feel lived in, to make it feel real.

Yeah? How about Beteshda forgets everything from past games and work hard to make an all new one? Skyrim will have its own feel, not Morrowinds or oblivions.

Pfth, calling Oblivion a flop... Fool of a took!
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:08 pm

Ok to put it bluntly so people dont think i'm an all oblivion hater.

I was pointing out the lack of proper atmosphere in oblivion compared to morrowind. Things didnt feel LIVED in like in Morrowind, etc. The Atmosphere and personality of it all was lacking heavily. The combat system was better.. it was newer, no i'm not saying to make it dice roll along with human error like Morrowind. That was an older mechanic that was changed for the better.

I am simply talking about making Skyrim feel REAL which I dont think anyone should argue against. You buy Skyrim to play in Skyrim, to feel Skyrim and its inhabitants, to not feel like the world revolves around you, but you are exploring and making your history in the world of Skyrim. But to do this, you need Atmosphere, personality to your world, to make it feel lived in, to make it feel real.

I agree on all but one point. The atmosphere of OB was different, yes. But it still had atmosphere, and by my books, it was damn good. I find it hard for me to get lost in the world after playing Oblivion for more than 700 hours, due to the fact that I know every bloody NPC in the game by name, all the quests, ect. But you should have seen me when I first played. I got so lost in the world of the game, the atmosphere of each city, ect, that I think 50 or more of those hours were taken up by having my character do day to day living. A little pathetic, maybe, but it was fun for me.

So no, I don't think Oblivion was worse than Morrowind. It was just good in a different way.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:47 pm

FYI, i lked Oblivion more than Morrowind.
But on a ontopic basis, i agree with making sure they keep it a RPG and not make a big mistake like Dragon Age 2, im not hating on the game, it just just lost LOTS of RPG characteristics compared to Origins.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:25 am

I am simply talking about making Skyrim feel REAL which I dont think anyone should argue against. You buy Skyrim to play in Skyrim, to feel Skyrim and its inhabitants, to not feel like the world revolves around you, but you are exploring and making your history in the world of Skyrim. But to do this, you need Atmosphere, personality to your world, to make it feel lived in, to make it feel real.

With all due respect, I think they'v ethought of that, and if they hadn't, 8 months would not be enought ime to remake the world, and they are quite unlikely to listen to a single person's perspective.

But you should read up on Skyrim. There's a lot of news, you'll find a lot of this has already been discussed as something they are doing with the game.
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:13 pm

In MY opinion, Oblivion was boring! It drove me nuts. it was that boring. I could not complete it, it was that boring.

And I have played all the TES game since Arena.

There are many reason why I thought that, but they are all pointless, because in the end, it is just my opinion.

I hope Skyrim will be different.And, I must say, the tidbits I have heard and seen so far makes it look amazing. So I cross my fingers and hope. :)
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:19 am

It truly saddens me. yes I think Morrowind is better. You piss on my entire thread because I spoke my mind, yet you give the same excuse as me that "its how I feel."

It saddens me none of you have been able to look past the "morrowind vs oblivion" bs, and look at what I was actually saying.

heres some tips:

* I was not saying to make Skyrim like Morrowind

*I was not saying Oblivion was bad

*I was not saying Skyrim must be Morrowind2

I will re-word my original post, as it seems so many cannot grasp what I was saying because they cannot get past the "morrowind vs oblivion" factor which was never meant to be there in the first place.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:52 am

It truly saddens me. yes I think Morrowind is better. You piss on my entire thread because I spoke my mind, yet you give the same excuse as me that "its how I feel."

It saddens me none of you have been able to look past the "morrowind vs oblivion" bs, and look at what I was actually saying.

heres some tips:

* I was not saying to make Skyrim like Morrowind

*I was not saying Oblivion was bad

*I was not saying Skyrim must be Morrowind2

I will re-word my original post, as it seems so many cannot grasp what I was saying because they cannot get past the "morrowind vs oblivion" factor which was never meant to be there in the first place.

Sorry about that. I'm sticking by my first post in this thread though. I'm sure Beth will get it right, and if they haven't, it's too late to change anything major.
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Post » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:20 am

Then this thread can ve translated to this:

Morrowind was better than oblivion, please work hard on skyrim.

Yeah, whats the point?
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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