Why would the PSJ side with the dominion against the Empire?
You said you were playing the Altmer. But whatever. I'll let Walrus have the whole cake.
I only said I'd play the Altmer after you told me Walrus apparently wasn't. Once he was back in your good graces, I didn't see any point in it. I will the Psjic Order though, a largely neutral force.
Hahaha. Once again, Verlox, there is nothing you can do to stop me! Muwuhahahaha.
Yeah, yeah. <_<
When are you going to join a RP, anyway?
She doesn't really do RPs much.
She needs to focus on school anyway....Which VERLOX SHOULD BRING BACK >.>
I dunno 'bout that. I don't think there is enough interest in RPs to bring back my master piece.