Name: Count Regulus Terentius
Race: Imperial
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The Lord
Physical Appearance:
Apparel (clothing and armor): As a Count, he has a rand wardrobe of an assortment of the finest Imperial clothes. Cloths of dark blues, deep purples, blood reds and lush greens are his favorite and he prides his large collection of his shoes, most of them studded with small pearls and emeralds. When he is forced to take the battlefield or don armor for any other reason, he wears full suit of chain armor with a white tabard that bears the Bravil crest and chooses to forego a helmet.
Weapons: A jewel encrusted silver longsword.
Misc: He always wears his Bravil Signet Ring. He also wears an assortment of other jewelry and amulets.
Misc Info: - Count of Bravil
Psychological Profile: Regulus is an incredibly snobbish and arrogant man. Rude is the best way to describe him as all manners seem to escape him regardless of the situation. Political, personal, business. Whoever he's talking to, he never seems to change his mannerisms for them. Though he has no wife anymore, he enjoys many of the finest [censored]s in the city (and Bravil has a lot of them!) and his respect for woman is only better than his respect for Khajiit, mainly because he blames them for why his city is in such a state. He isn't extreme about it however and doesn't go through lengths to arrest or kill them, or even deport them because a large chunk of the city is Khajiiti!
History/Bio: Being Count of a skooma infested city is no easy task and few would be able to last long amongst the gangs and assassins who would want him dead. Luckily, he is no novice to defending himself after his stint in the Arena when he was younger and even now he is considered a fine warrior. However, few regard him as a "good" leader because during the Oblivion Crisis he did virtually nothing while the Daedra were knocking at the doors. After the Crisis, his attitude towards the city changed noticeably as he began a series of economic changes to the city as well as improving houses at the cost of the cities overflowing funds (which he had apparently refused to spend before. Everybody thought the city was bankrupt or close to it, but really the Count was too lazy to go and spend it) as well as finding jobs for many of his unemployed citizens. However, he also began enforcing laws much stricter and so, due to his own arrogance, because of the unnecessarily harsh laws the people continued to dislike him and the status quo was soon returned though Bravil did see some economic growth, especially in trade in the Niben.
He barely acknowledges his son's drug problems and the fact that the boy squanders his fathers large personal treasury on lots of fine things for himself. Regulus nows that he will not sire another child and that his son is the future heir of the city.
Name: Gellius Terentius
Race: Imperial
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The Lover
Physical Appearance:
Apparel (clothing and armor): Just like his father, he has a fine assortment of the nicest clothes that money can buy in Bravil and he has a lot of them. He has all assortments of colors and linens and his collection of shoes beats even his fathers! He has everything from gold-trimmed shoes, to jewel encrusted dress shoes to leather boots made out of Daedrth scales, which cost him a fortune! Luckily, he has began to get into the skooma trade, as well as simply using the drug.
He armor is custom made, with strong chainmail over a light shirt and then half plate over top of the chain mail. The plate covers his chest, back, shoulders. arms and hands and is steel-colored with the Bravil symbol painted on the front. He also wears steel greaves and leather boots (not the Daedroth ones) as well as hard, leather strips that make sort of a "skirt" to protect his waist and thighs while allowing for maximum mobility. A wooden and steel reinforced kite shield with his own coat of arms.
Weapons: When he is on horseback he uses a 3-foot long When on foot, and as his main weapon when walking around town, he wields a short 2-foot long
Misc: - When in armor, he wears a deep blue arm band on each bicep, depicting him as Lieutenant General. (in battle this is depicted by the standard that follows him around, plus the armbands)
Misc Info: - Skooma user
- Heir to the Bravil throne
Psychological Profile: He is just as rude and arrogant as his father and then some. He is clearly spoiled but obviously not with love from his father. Instead, he just helps himself to his fathers personal riches as he pleases to help fund his skooma addiction. He is not racist like his father however, and some of his closest friends are Khajiit and Argonian because he frequently spends his time wandering around the lower-class areas of the city, doing things that his father doesn't even want to know about. He is also very proud and will challenge anyone to a sword duel as he is quite proficient with a blade.
History/Bio: Growing up the son of a careless and arrogant Count meant that he would certainly turn out just as bad and he did. As a child, he was constantly given what he wanted so that his father didn't have to deal with his crying and whining and when he finally became a teenager, he was still expecting to get everything. Only now, his father didn't go and get it for him and just gave the boy a large bag of gold to do with as he pleased. The boy never took to the many upper class boys who tried to befriend him and took to wandering the slums in the late nights where he met some of his closest friends and eventually got hooked on Skooma. For years, he abused the drug rather heavily but not to the point of losing all grip of reality.
After the Oblivion Crisis, when his father had a sudden change of heart for the city, he saw his "allowance" suddenly cut to basically nothing to what he was used to. His skooma started to dry up and thats when one of his friends suggested that he get into the actual trade of skooma. He was hesitant at first, but when they said he would be at advantage since there were bound to be guards that were corrupt enough to help him out and indeed Gellius had made quite a few friends among the mainly corrupt guard. Business boomed and to avoid legal complications, one of his Argonian friends assumed leadership of the dealership while taking orders from Gellius from the shadows. THe guards help to run out opponent dealers when Gellius managed to find out who they were and soon he was the one and only major dealer in the city.
One year ago, his father also named him the Lieutenant General of Bravils "army", making him effectively the second-in-command, and putting him above Viera Lerus, much to her and many of the guards displeasure even though many of the guards were working for him. He had to go about the unfortunate business of hushing up the sudden traitors, and murder was the normal case although many were exiled, put in prison or just scared into silence but threats and blackmail.
Name: Viera Lerus
Race: Imperial
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Steed
Physical Appearance:, but think a little more "refined" and not so "mannish" and... well ugly

Apparel (clothing and armor): She wears the same armor as the picture, when she is on patrol or other official guard business. When not on guard business, like when at a tavern or something, she wears very simple tan and brown clothes and wears only sandals when not in uniform.
Weapons: A steel long sword. A steel dagger.
Misc: - Wears the bright yellow armbands of the Major General. (in battle this is depicted by the standard that follows her around, plus the armbands)
Misc Info: - Major General, Captain of the Guard and prefers the "company of women".
Psychological Profile: She is very serious and all about getting the job done in the most efficient and effective manner possible. She has very little sense of humor which is surprising considering she goes to the tavern every night and indulges in more than a few drinks. Even then, she barely loosens up though she does crack a joke or two but because she never laughs afterwards, nobody can tell if she's joking or serious at first until she finally cracks a grin. She is one of the few uncorrupt guards in the watch which is a good thing for the "honest" townsfolk but it has made her a lot of enemies in the rather full jails below the city. She seemingly has no fear though and if she has a weakness, it is her pride which can easily match Gellius' at times, although she is much better at controlling it than her counterpart.
History/Bio: Growing up in the lower-class part of Bravil, she got to witness firsthand the crime, murder, drugs and corruption that was tearing her hometown apart without anybody seeming to care. When she saw the old guard captain come through on his rounds, she asked what he planned to do about all the people being murdered near her house. The man simply laughed, tousled her short hair and continued on his way, leaving her stunned and appalled. She desperately wanted to become a high ranking member of the guard so that she could make changes to her hometown one day and began vigorous training and became proficient with many weapons and martial combat, which she was able to practice firsthand many times when petty thugs tried to have their way with her, since she was fairly attractive as a teen.
She finally joined the guard and after a few years, she was promoted to Captain by Regulus because to the woman disrespecting man, she seemed like someone he could easily control. He turned out to be wrong, and she demanded (and got!) more money to put into training new guards and adding a Emergency Criminal Response Team to the guard (like a SWAT team of today) to deal with the drug lords and crime bosses that rule the streets. SHe has made slow, but eventual progress which was slowed by the Oblivion Crisis and now she is back on track and invigorated by the new heart of the Count and agrees with the harsher punishments in the legal system though she has been stumped on this new, all-powerful drug lord who has recently risen up and taken control of the streets as the sole drug seller in the city.