Along the Blue Road, Two Hours East of Lake Rumare; Day Two, Nighttime
Neloth Uvani and Trevyn RinduThe troops marched with a silent efficiency, the muted footsteps of thousands of elves filling the dark forest road. Countless scarlet eyes stared expresionlessly forwards, moving with the mechanical discipline of soldiers prepared for war. The banners of Morrowind were displayed proudly at the head of the company, led by the sword and moon crest of General Trevyn Rindu.
Trevyn rode in full armor, his stern face hidden beneath the visor of a gleaming steel helm. His armor was bare of any intricate design or engraving, the only marking a small circle and blade etched above his briast. A hand-and-a-half sword hung from his hip, the plain leather scabbard elegant in its simplicity. His horse was similarly unremarkable, its own armor still packed away, the chestnut stallion trodding along with sure, powerful steps.
The young grandmaster of the Morag Tong rode beside him, his robed frame dwarfed next to the armored general. His horse was small and sleek, a young black Hanoverian, built for speed. Neloth wore only a large smile, his face turned skywards, gazing at the endless heavens with all the wonder of a child.
"Look at them all," the assassin murmured, "Portals to Aetherius, holes in Oblivion. Amazing, wouldn't you say?"
Trevyn responded with a dismissive grunt, his eyes focused only on the road ahead. The general shifted in his saddle, one hand gripping his sword hilt.
Suddenly, a rider approached from behind them, the young Dunmer messenger saluting to General Rindu before speaking, "Sir, our scouts report unidentified movements in the forest. Too few to be an ambush, but too many to be locals. What would you have us do?"
Neloth spoke before Trevyn could even lift his visor, "Nothing to worry about, boy, tell them to ignore it."
The messenger looked between the grandmaster and the general, obviously unsure of what to do next. Trevyn gave a loud sigh, shooting a dark look at Neloth before continuing, "Tell the scouts to keep a sharp lookout, soldier. Don't attack unless provoked, but I want no surprises tonight. We still have a few hours marching left." The young Dunmer saluted once more, glancing uncertainly at Neloth before galloping off.
Trevyn turned on Neloth, glaring at him under his helmet, his grip tightening on his sword hilt. Neloth chuckled, turning his gaze back up to the stars.
Royal Province of Cheydinhal, Castle Cheydinhal; Day Two, Nighttime
Emperor Hlaalu Helseth R'AathimThe great hall was alive with the sounds of music and laughter, the usually formal air replaced with the relaxed joviality of a ball. Dancing elves filled the center floor, the ladies' gowns gliding across the stone floor as they stepped in time with the music. Sure footed servants darted between the couples, carrying silver platters of food and wine, offering their goods to the noble elves of the court.
Even Helseth took part in the festivities, switching partners as easily as a bee changes flowers. A virtual crowd of beautiful ladies followed the emperor wherever he went, smiling as they each competed for his favor, laughing at his jokes and blushing at his compliments. Helseth moved through it all with a mechanical detachment, outwardly cordial, but his eyes as cold as ever.
At the other end of the room Lady Barenziah sat among a similar host of noble-elves, ranging from handsome young barons to wizened old Dunmer, each fawning over the mother of the emperor. Barenziah ignored them all with the same cold indifference, sipping scarlet wine from a crystal chalice, following the dancing youth with knowing eyes.
Suddenly the music stopped, the laughter dying down as Helseth raised his hands for silence. The emperor smiled, raising his own glass, "A toast, for the bright future of Morrowind. May its power never falter, its people never know fear, and its nobility never want for good wine!" Cheering erupted throughout the hall, Helseth smiling as he called for silence once more. "We celebrate today the arrival of my beautiful mother, without whom I would not be the elf I am today. May she live to see her country become the most powerful in Tamriel!" At this Helseth drained his glass, laughter and cheering breaking out in fresh exuberance. Barenziah raised her glass towards her son, her bright eyes sparkling beneath a wrinkled face.
The music started again, everyone turning back to their partners with a renewed enthusiasm, the crowd of ladies around Helseth swelling to over two dozen. However, it was not long before the music was cut off once more, this time not from a smiling emperor, but by the opening of the grand doors. The chill of the night outside spread over the festivities like a wave, every face turning to the single soldier in the doorway. The elf shrank back, motioning a unseen stranger forwards, into the flickering torchlight, and the waiting expectation of a crowd.
OOC: That would be your cue, Numenorean

Hope you don't mind a spotlight.