» Tue May 17, 2011 12:05 pm
As quickly as Morrowind's gets me into the gameworld, it didn't give me any sense of excitement and it lacked the "wow" factor that comes with exiting Arena/Daggerfall/Oblivion's tutorial dungeons. Fallout 3's had the same effect on me, so I'd personally rather see the long dungeon that really makes me feel as though I am my character. I start off in a dark, depressing area and push my way to the surface, in those games, and just as my characters would feel, I feel a sense of earned freedom. It really simulates that feeling of freedom and contrast that I expect someone locked up/caved in may actually feel when they escape, and so I find it a bit more immersive. Morrowind's was short, alright, and I see how that could be an advantage, but I found it to be rather lackluster and would prefer a introductory dungeon crawl. If Bethesda could make it skippable in a way that only someone who completed it once could do, I would like them to (being able to save and change everything right before exiting the sewers in Oblivion was my method that I would like to see possible again), but I want to be presented with the long way out as my, actually (as in Oblivion and Fallout 3 with the saving before leaving) or seemingly, only option the first time, through... just so I could feel that feeling of escaping and freedom again.