Long tutorial like Oblivion/Daggerfall, or short intro like

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:12 am

Why would anyone prefer Morrowind's tutorial? It was basically non existent... but then in these forums put Morrowind in a poll with just about anything and it will win... :rolleyes:

I preferred Oblivion because it actually had substance and you had a firm handling of the controls by the time you finished it.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:06 pm

i prefer the oblivion one for sure. i like how it took u threw everyting unlike morrowind droppin u on ur bum... i mean i understand some want an opitional skip and thats good. daggerfall had theoption to skip i beleive.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:21 am

Why would anyone prefer Morrowind's tutorial? It was basically non existent... but then in these forums put Morrowind in a poll with just about anything and it will win... :rolleyes:

I preferred Oblivion because it actually had substance and you had a firm handling of the controls by the time you finished it.

yeah, but if you actually read the thread you would see why people prefer Morrowind intro, and it's completely valid. plus theres a reason i didn't say Morrowind's "tutorial" in the OP.

There's always someone in these forums who hates on Morrowind even though it was an amazing game... :rollseyes:
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:36 am

I wouldn't mind a long intro dungeon like in Oblivion/Daggerfall. I don't care if they have one like Morrowind either. JUST ADD AN OPTION TO SKIP IT. I hate being forced to suffer through something I've done 100 times every time I want to make a new character.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:29 am

it doesnt really matter to me. As long as it goes through game mechanics and allows you to build your character, I'm fine with whatever the game throws at me. however, there should be an option to skip. if you take that option, you'll be transported to the typical ending gate or door (Oblivion's sewer gate, FO3's Vault Door), allowing you to customize your character almost instantly. Another thing, though: There shouldn't be too much of potntial experience awards during the tutorial. Otherwise, the person wo decides to skip misses out on experience. Same deal with equipment(however it'd be cool if, when you skip, you can enter the world and right outside the gate, there'd be a chest full of items you missed.

Thats my thought. :biggrin:
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:40 am

I can judge only by Morrowind and Oblivion... Eeehh, both had merits. I liked how Morrowind pushed me into the world without much explanations indeed, couldn't have worded better why I liked it. :) Oblivion, now... The constant quest pop-ups were mighty irritating, with their redundant explanations : but that crawl toward the surface brought some sense of gravitas to the beginning.

I would not mind either, provided the latter version does include the possibility of doing without extremely detailled explanations.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:27 pm

I liked Oblivion intro. It was very well made. The only complaint is that it's a little too long. Just cut the dungeon half with same info, and we have a perfect intro.
Just so you'd understand, FO3 intro, while impressive to certain players, had a serious issue, along with the rest of the game, that it defines who you are; big minus for Free-form RP experience TES is shooting for.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:29 am

Save right before the exit where it lets you change everything on your character, so you only need to do the tutorial once. :shrug:

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Haley Cooper
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:05 pm

As quickly as Morrowind's gets me into the gameworld, it didn't give me any sense of excitement and it lacked the "wow" factor that comes with exiting Arena/Daggerfall/Oblivion's tutorial dungeons. Fallout 3's had the same effect on me, so I'd personally rather see the long dungeon that really makes me feel as though I am my character. I start off in a dark, depressing area and push my way to the surface, in those games, and just as my characters would feel, I feel a sense of earned freedom. It really simulates that feeling of freedom and contrast that I expect someone locked up/caved in may actually feel when they escape, and so I find it a bit more immersive. Morrowind's was short, alright, and I see how that could be an advantage, but I found it to be rather lackluster and would prefer a introductory dungeon crawl. If Bethesda could make it skippable in a way that only someone who completed it once could do, I would like them to (being able to save and change everything right before exiting the sewers in Oblivion was my method that I would like to see possible again), but I want to be presented with the long way out as my, actually (as in Oblivion and Fallout 3 with the saving before leaving) or seemingly, only option the first time, through... just so I could feel that feeling of escaping and freedom again.
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Davorah Katz
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:53 am

Morrowind's was awesome. "You're on your own now. Oh, and you may want to stock up on supplies from the store. Good luck."

I think something along the lines of Daggerfall has the most freedom in terms of learning curve, however. Experienced players can make their way through with minimal effort, whilst there's still plenty to do for those playing around with skill combinations or otherwise want more time in the "sandbox area" to acquaint themselves with the game's mechanics before pressing onward.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:13 am

I prefer Morrowind style, largely because it doesn't force you down the path of the main quest. You can easily drop your package for Caius Cosades onto the ground and ignore the main quest completely. I don't particularly want to have to be forced into the role of saving the world every time I play a sandbox game like this.
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:22 am

My experience starting Morrowind involved stumbling through the initial introduction and spending several minutes with each minor monster just outside town as I missed 70%+ of the time.

I'd prefer an Oblivion-like tutorial with an option to skip much of it to make it shorter for people that don't want it. An short mandatory introduction with an optional longer introductory dungeon would work too.
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:00 am

Liked OB and FO3 intros,apart from the tutorial pop ups in OB ( theres a goblin up ahead try sneaking. No I'm a mage, I have a fire spell. ) If there is tutorial text, please make it togglable.
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:45 am


A long tutorial is fine. ONCE.

Having to play through the whole thing every time you start a new character svcked. I had to just keep a save next to the sewer exit where it lets you rebuild if you want to. (Same for FO3)

Include a tutorial, make it skipable.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:56 am

Short and sweet. What they should have is a "tutorial town" where people near the starting point can show you how to do stuff. If you've done this before, you just blow right past them.

Oblivion's was great from a game perspective, but it really did throw you into the MQ, which is kinda lame. And having to have the same conversation with the Emperor everytime I want to make a new character is booooooooring. And as for saving at the end, this kind of svcked because Oblivion wouldn't let you name your save files. Seriously, wtf?
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:53 pm

Oblivions intro dungeon was great and is common in gaming these days, but it should have been optional, because it was not so great the 4th time around, I just kept a save right at end of the sewer to avoid it after my 1st playthrough. Not everyone is familiar with Elders Scrolls games, MW was a very poor way of introducing the game to players and should not be repeated.

Why did people play through Fallout 3 and OB tutorials more than once if they did not want to, save before the sewer gate/vault door people and you never have to do it again!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:13 am

Short and sweet. What they should have is a "tutorial town" where people near the starting point can show you how to do stuff. If you've done this before, you just blow right past them.

Oblivion's was great from a game perspective, but it really did throw you into the MQ, which is kinda lame. And having to have the same conversation with the Emperor everytime I want to make a new character is booooooooring. And as for saving at the end, this kind of svcked because Oblivion wouldn't let you name your save files. Seriously, wtf?

Just as a tip, save over save file number 1 at the end. It makes keeping track of that file much easier.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:15 am

From what they have said so far about char gen and such id say its gona be extremely short like fallout new vegas level of short.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:39 pm

None of your options, I prefered Morrowinds over oblivions, but that's just because I felt oblivions was really akward and annoying. I didn't even enjoy it the first time, and after 4-5 characters I hated it. I'd prefer a medium length one that is skippable somehow

All you have to do is save before you get out of the sewers so you want have to keep playing the tutorial, DUH!
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:03 am

I liked Oblivions more except for one thing, it gave you a clear cut role "You are the one in my dreams", Uriel Septim even says that it′s your job to close shut the jaw of Oblivion if I remember right, it really defeated the purpose of putting us in jail, being in jail was supposed to give you a clean sheet to fill in but on my merchant character and my monk/healer I always felt weird acting like I′d forgotten or didn′t hear him say that I was supposed to save the world but not do what I wanted to do.

Forcing a role on you is always bad but I enjoyed the tutorial because it gives me time to re-arrange every hotkey and such before I really start playing.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:25 am

I like Morrowinds quick one.
Oblivions was interesting. but it got tiring.
I'm all for anything under 15mins.
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des lynam
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:25 pm

Short and to the point. I really found getting kicked out on my ass in Seyda Neen the perfect introduction to the game. I was a stranger in a strange land.

I preferred Oblivion because it actually had substance and you had a firm handling of the controls by the time you finished it.

That's something I did miss in Morrowind. Could have saved myself an assault by mouse, theft by space bar, and damn near drowning to death falling off a boat in Hla Oad.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:00 am

I liked Oblivions more except for one thing, it gave you a clear cut role "You are the one in my dreams", Uriel Septim even says that it′s your job to close shut the jaw of Oblivion if I remember right, it really defeated the purpose of putting us in jail, being in jail was supposed to give you a clean sheet to fill in but on my merchant character and my monk/healer I always felt weird acting like I′d forgotten or didn′t hear him say that I was supposed to save the world but not do what I wanted to do.

Forcing a role on you is always bad but I enjoyed the tutorial because it gives me time to re-arrange every hotkey and such before I really start playing.

Does the senile, old pervert across the street necessarily speak the truth if he claims the fate of the world is in your hands? Of course he isn't. When said pervert claims to have dreamt about you, all he's doing is being a pervert. :P Just because someone says something doesn't mean you are forced to do it. If I could drop the amulet, that would help, but other than that, I've ignored the main quest plenty of times, dismissing Uriel as not being the boss of me and proving him wrong about my destiny in the process. He was wrong because I didn't deliver the amulet and my character never did. My character's story ended with him becoming the Madgod and never lifting a finger to even deliver the amulet. I most certainly wasn't forced into any role because I never filled that role.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:51 am

I want to just be pushed out with no tutorial, and have to figure it out by myself.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:56 am

Oblivion's dungeon tutorial got old after a while. I prefer Morrowind's.
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