I am getting some very long load screen times. Perhaps it is the texture mods I got but I notice the load screen times seem to be increasing the more I progress in the game. Anyone else notice it?
I am getting some very long load screen times. Perhaps it is the texture mods I got but I notice the load screen times seem to be increasing the more I progress in the game. Anyone else notice it?
I swear I replied to this, I guess it didn't take?
Anyway, if you have a ton of saves, try deleting a bunch? May not happen to everyone but some were reporting lots o' saves seemed to slow loading for them and deleting them helped. Something to check/try. (you can always back up all saves elsewhere before deleting from game directory)
Edit: ah, I see, a duplicate thread. Sorry.
Great thing to try! I do indeed have a ton of saves.
How would this affect loading if you're just loading up one save at a time? I get 30-60 second load times and I have both my saves and Fallout 4 itself on a high-end SSD. Believe it or not, load times are dependent on your max frame rate and what kind of VSync you have enabled. If you don't believe me, try it yourself.
I have no idea what the technical reasons behind it are, but it's been something that happens to some people in certain games. File bloating, memory leak, temp caches that don't unload, I have no clue.
Pillars of Eternity did this to some folk, IIRC, for example. Anyway, not saying it's going to be the OP's solution, but doesn't hurt to try since I've seen some ppl post re:loading time/solutions on the Steam fora.